Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Trump's Big CON: He's Really a Crony Capitalist, CONt.

"Republican senator Jeff Flake's new book, “Conscience of a Conservative,” bashes President Trump for just about everything, but some of the harshest criticism in the book's 160 scathing pages is reserved for Trump's economic “plan.”

In Flake's eyes, Trumponomics is huge mistake. It shows the GOP has “abandoned its core principles” of free trade and free enterprise. “Seemingly overnight, we became willing to roll back the ideas on the global economy that have given America the highest standard of living in history,” Flake wrote.

The senator calls Trump a “crony capitalist” who is “incoherent” and “doing irreparable damage.” He even compares Trump to a liberal, saying all the president does is offer “easy answers and free stuff without worrying about the details.

[For] a rundown of Flake’s attacks on Trumponomics . . ."

Read the Washington Post, Trump is a ‘crony capitalist,’ says GOP Senator Flake., which notes that the "GOP is deeply divided. The rifts have been on display all summer, especially during the health-care fight. Flake’s book only adds to the tug-of-war between traditional Republicans who want to cut taxes and expand free trade, and Trump Republicans, who want to restrict trade and resurrect coal and manufacturing jobs."

Read also the Washington Post, Jeff Flake delivers the most courageous conservative rebuttal of Trumpism yet.

And read Trump's Big CON: He's Really a Crony Capitalist.

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