Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Trump's Big CON: Reasons Republi-CON's Voted For Our President the Con Man

UPDATE:  Guess who is now endorsing the book with 250+ blank pages, saying it is a "great book for your reading enjoyment".

Read the Washington Post, Trump plugs ‘Reasons to Vote for Democrats’ book filled with blank pages.

That's right, The Donald wants his supporters to "read' blank pages. (I'm not making this up.)

I guess that's all their empty minds can understand.
Read the Washington Post, ‘Reasons to Vote for Democrats’ jumps to the top of Amazon’s bestseller list. But its pages are blank.

I posted this comment (without the links): 

This book should include a short epilogue (with actual words) titled: Reasons Republi-CONs Voted For Our President the Con Man

A con man is one who 'defrauds a person or group after first gaining their confidence, using confidence tricks to exploit characteristics of the human psyche such as dishonesty, honesty, vanity, compassion, credulity, irresponsibility, naïveté and greed.'

Stupid people are easily conned, for example into buying snake oil.

And to understand just how stupid a significant number of Republi-CONs are, look at how many people are paying $10 for 250+ blank pages.

So next time you try to discuss politics with someone, first ask them if they bought this book.

And remember, there is no reasoning with people this stupid.

Follow my chronicle of Trump's Big CON at NoBullU.com

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