Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Obamneys, The First Family of Amercia Dressage, ‘It’s Basically NASCAR In A Velvet Top Hat’

UPDATE:  "John Kerry was made to look effete in 2004 by Republican mockery of his windsurfing, his Turnbull & Asser shirts and his French fluency. Now Democrats have a chance to do something similar to Romney, with his Swiss bank account, his Grand Cayman and Bermuda tax havens, his multiple homes, his $10,000 bet, his friends who own NASCAR teams, and now the six-figure horses his wife imports from Europe. Nothing says 'man of the people' quite like horse ballet."

Read the Washington Post, The politics of horse ballet.

Speaking of horses and Obamney, there is the White horse Prophecy.

The Romneys' horse Rafalca makes the Olympic team.

You must agree that "there is no better way to dispel the myth that Romney is detached patrician elite than competitive horse prancing."

Watch the Colbert Report, Mitt Romney's Champion Horse & Dressage Tribute:


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