"So if those GOP debates have reeked of rhetorical homogeneity, he suggests, maybe it's because the campaigns have been hearing the same things in their focus groups and polling of, yes, real people.
As with all-you-can-eat buffets, the political system has long ago seen the utility of producing and consuming empty political calories."
UPDATE III: With campaign promises like $2 a gallon gas, even one of the the Republican presidential candidates knows that "two of his major rivals were 'extreme' and 'unrealistic.'" Read The New York Times, Huntsman Calls His Rivals `Unelectable'.
UPDATE II: "You call tell how unhappy Republicans are by reading the Wall Street Journal editorial page, the one-stop shop for conservative orthodoxy. It fretted on Monday that Republicans and independents are 'desperate' for a unifying candidate, and that if 'the current field isn’t up to that, perhaps someone still off the field will step in and run.'" Read the Washington Post, The GOP’s summer of discontent.
UPDATE: Is he the one?:
"The entire campaign has been about the Republican Party searching for a candidate who is (a) capable of running a strong race against Barack Obama, (b) reliably conservative, and (c) actually interested in running." Read The New York Times, Pondering Perry’s Electability, which sums it up with this graph:
Would you like to listen to the voice of wisdom and reason in a wilderness of partisan rhetoric -- no political insanity, no conservative hypocrisy, no liberal foolishness -- just straight talk, straight at you, and without the bull, 5 days a week?
If so I have over five years experience doing a weekly show and I'd like more air time, two hours a week is too little when there are so many problems and so much Republi-con and Naive-ocrat ignorance. If you know of a radio station that needs a host, post a reply.
This blog is my application, for a reference call 1330 AM WEBY and ask for Mike.
But don't bother unless the radio station listeners want a lively discussion and debate of the issues, and can handle the truth.
Cause I'm a gosh darn, fersure, you betcha maverick.
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