On the economy and federal budget, et al.:
I'm waiting, where's the balanced budget, don't hold you breath because the Republi-CONs Con the Tea Party, there'll be no $100 billion budget cut, and let's admit the obvious, the Republi-CONs are not serious about deficits, and who's responsible for the debt
To balance the budget, do nothing
One way to reduce the deficit
Still no sign of those 'invisible [Republi-CON] bond vigilantes'
Our politically induced economic stagnation, part of the Republi-CON war on the middle class
Hello globalization, goodbye jobs
It's China, stupid
The Republi-CON zombie myth that the government forced the banks to make bad loans
Told ya so: economic stimulus
The Republi-CON stimulus myth
The myth of expansionary austerity
About the Republi-CON war on the middle class
More on the Republi-CON war on the middle class
Better, not just less, government
The Republi-CON 'taxes and regulations are killing business' myth, now it dwarf tossing, what next, baby juggling?
Republi-CONs in their Delusion-land
The Great Stagnation' and our broken political system
The EuroMess
Would Jesus occupy Wall Street?
On the 2012 election, politics, and those waskly Republi-CONs:
And the Republi-CON Race is cont., to find America’s Not-Mitt
The audacity of grope-gate
Still searching for the ideal Republican candidate: conservative, interested, electable
They're back, with another debate
A NoBullU prediction: Romney-Cain in 2012
A Republi-CON 'my family escaped communism' myth
Is the RepubliCON race a joke?
Obama in 2012?
Déjà vu all over again, what to expect if it is Obama v. Romney
The Republi-CON 'Obama's a socalist' myth
Spreading slanderous lies, and supporting a group that massacres and enslaves women and children
Other current events:
Health Care Lawsuit Update
After reading two of the appellate opinions, it doesn't look good for the Republi-CONs
Republi-CON 'it's not Judicial activism, it's judicial engagement' hypocrisy
Does Palin have a point about the corrupt crony capitalism
Corrupt crony capitalism and Congress
An Iraq What-Might-Have-Been, and was it worth it
Did Steve Jobs' faith in alternative remedies kill him?
So You Don't Believe in Global Warming, Then Explain What Happens to 35 Gigatons of CO2 Each Year
Those not so good ol' days
CSI Dog Poop, the trial
Big brother is watching you,
The myth of voter fraud
Fun stuff:
Why dogs hate Halloween
Just in time for Christmas
Humor for English majors, and
I'll be back soon to deprogram you.