Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Beware Federal Pensioners, Your Day of Reckoning is Coming

UPDATE: Bye, bye to more government pensions.

On Tuesday, Hollywood, FL, residents votes "to strip police, firefighters and the city’s general employee’s of their current pension plans, allowing the city to save $8.5 million." Read the Miami Herald, Hollywood voters: Cut the pensions.

As the Republi-CONs continue their war on the middle class, the American dream withers.

"Even as officials in Washington pledged to cut domestic spending [with no tax increases] . . . [several] American cities [serve an examples] . . . that no amount of belt tightening can set things right." Read The New York Times, Small City, Big Debt Problems, which cites "Prichard, Ala., a city you may have read about in the news, which defaulted on its obligations and simply stopped making pension payments to its retirees."

Republi-CON 'Less Government' Hypocrisy

UPDATE II: "A 16-month federal investigation has concluded that BP’s efforts to limit costs on its mile-deep Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico contributed to the disastrous blowout last year that killed 11 workers and sunk the giant rig Deepwater Horizon." Read the Washington Post, BP’s cost cuts contributed to oil spill disaster, federal probe finds.

Spill, baby, spill.

UPDATE: Speaking of hypocrisy, isn't funny that politicians now want to abandon liability limits for their friends in the oil industry. Read the Houston Chronicle, Lawmakers work to raise lid on BP's liability.

From the Washington Post, Through oil-fouled water, big government looks better and better:

"About an hour later came word from the Pentagon that Alabama, Florida and Mississippi -- all three governed by men who once considered themselves limited-government conservatives -- want the federal government to mobilize (at taxpayer expense, of course) more National Guard troops to aid in the cleanup.

That followed an earlier request by the small-government governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal (R), who issued a statement saying he had called the Obama administration 'to outline the state's needs' and to ask 'for additional resources.' Said Jindal: 'These resources are critical.'

About the time that Alabama, Florida and Mississippi were asking for more federal help, three small-government Republican senators, Richard Shelby and Jeff Sessions of Alabama and George LeMieux of Florida, were flying over the gulf on a U.S. government aircraft with small-government Republican Rep. Jeff Miller (Fla.). . .

It may have taken an ecological disaster, but the gulf-state conservatives' newfound respect for the powers and purse of the federal government is a timely reminder for them. As conservatives in Washington complain about excessive federal spending, the ones who would suffer the most from spending cuts are their own constituents.

An analysis of data from the nonpartisan Tax Foundation by Washington Post database specialist Dan Keating found that people in states that voted Republican were by far the biggest beneficiaries of federal spending. In states that voted strongly Republican, people received an average of $1.50 back from the federal government for every dollar they paid in federal taxes. In moderately Republican states, the amount was $1.19. In moderately Democratic states, people received on average of 99 cents in federal funds for each dollar they paid in taxes. In strongly Democratic states, people got back just 86 cents on the tax dollar.

If Sessions and Shelby succeed in shrinking government, their constituents in Alabama will be some of the biggest losers: They get $1.66 in federal benefits for every $1 they pay in taxes. If Louisiana's Vitter succeeds in shrinking government, his constituents will lose some of the $1.78 in federal benefits they receive for every dollar in taxes they pay. In Mississippi, it's $2.02.

That may explain why, as the oil slick hits the Gulf Coast, lawmakers from the region are willing to swallow their limited-government principles as they dangle federal aid before their constituents.

Nothing like a little oil spill to expose the Republi-con 'Less Government' hypocrisy.

Next up, all the Republi-con conspiracy theories on the cause of the oil spill.