UPDATE VII: "Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again." ~William Shakespeare
Read the Washington Post, Why the group eBibleFellowship believes the world will be annihilated today.
Read also the Daily Mail, Don't make any plans for Thursday: Christian doomsday group predicts world will be 'destroyed by fire' tomorrow.
UPDATE VI: Doesn't look like Hurricane Joaquin is God's wrath upon Obama in Washington DC after all. How could that be after yesterday's prediction?
Does God have bad aim? Or is Carl's God just inept? Or perhaps Carl doesn't actually know God, he is listening to Satan. Which is it?
Maybe Imam Truthiness (formerly known as Pastor Truthiness and Pastor Poppins) can explain.
UPDATE V: The clock (below) now counts the time since Imam Truthiness (formerly known as Pastor Truthiness and Pastor Poppins) and his sidekick's September 2015 'Blood Moon' end of the world.
UPDATE IV: Now our local Imam Truthiness (formerly known as Pastor Truthiness and Pastor Poppins) and his sidekick say the end is near -- in December, as evidenced by the news de jour.
Today's claim is that Hurricane Joaquin is God's wrath upon Obama in Washington DC because of gay rights, or Israel, or whatever.
Don't forget to buy the book you sheeple!
Read also The End of the World is Near, Again.And I might add again and again and again . . .
Why are Republi-cons such suckers for snake oil salesmen?
UPDATE III: Read also the Washington Post, Despite this mysterious theory, world survives supermoon eclipse.
UPDATE II: Did the world end yet?
Read Slate, Mormon Leaders Reassure Faithful: Sunday’s “Blood Moon” Isn’t Sign of Apocalypse, which notes the appeals for calm made through the state's major newspaper. and TV.
UPDATE: "There will be blood in September -- literally, according to the Internet postings of end-times believers.
The night of September 27-28 will bring a 'blood moon.' To skywatchers, it simply refers to the copper color the moon takes on during an eclipse, but to some Christian ministers, the fourth and final eclipse in a tetrad -- four consecutive total lunar eclipses, each separated by six lunar months -- fulfills biblical prophecy of the apocalypse. (The first three in the series took place April 15, 2014; October 8, 2014; and April 4, 2015.) . .
[These] assertion was quickly debunked by scientists and skeptics. . .
The astronomical site EarthSky.org added that tetrads, of which there have been 62 since the first century, follow natural cycles and are easily calculated. Moreover, three of the four most recent eclipses were not visible in Israel itself. 'What good is a blood moon if God's chosen can't see it?' wrote Seidensticker.)"
Read CNN, Blood moon has some expecting end of the world.
More claims of the end times by our local Imam Truthiness (formerly known as Pastor Truthiness and Pastor Poppins).
Despite the failure in April 2014 of the universe shattering, now we have predictions of the end times in September 2015. Here is the countdown to the end of the month:
Read also The End of the World is Near, Again.