UPDATE XI: For a summary of Republi-con "family values" hypocrisy during the 1990, read Slate, It's Truly Amazing How Hypocritical and Dishonest America's Leaders Were in the 1990s.
UPDATE X: Just another family values Republi-con hypocrite.
Read the Daily Mail, Did rumors of love affair between Kevin McCarthy and a married congresswoman torpedo his elevation to House speaker? Internet goes berserk with guesses while alleged mistress denies it all.
Read also New York Magazine, How the Media Is Handling Kevin McCarthy’s Rumored Affair.
UPDATE XI: Apparently "McMillin resigned as an assistant prosecutor in Montgomery County, Ohio, in 2005 after he had a romantic relationship with a victim in a domestic violence case he was prosecuting."
Read the Daily Mail, Married father-of-four Indiana Republican lawmaker abruptly resigns 'to spend more time with his family' after explicit sex video was sent from his phone.
Actually the next article makes it sounds more like rape by coercion.
And the article notes that a man, his wife and unborn child were killed when McMillin engaged in "a dangerous driving 'game'."
Read The Bilerico Project, Indiana's Jud McMillin: A Tale of Glass Houses & Rocks.
UPDATE X: "An Indiana lawmaker has abruptly resigned after a sex video was reportedly discovered on his phone.
Rep. Jud McMillin, the second-highest ranking Republican in the state's House of Representatives, stepped down Tuesday a week after he sent a bizarre text message to several people apologizing for 'anything offensive' they may have received from his stolen phone.
The 38-year-old Brookville, Indiana legislator said in a statement he was quitting after five years in office to spend more time with his family, Fox 59 reported."
Read New York Daily News, Rep. Jud McMillin abruptly resigns from Indiana House after sex video emerges.
So many family values hypocrites, so little time.
UPDATE IX: This "married father of five [with an Ashley Madison account in which he said that he loved ' to have fun, in and out of bed'] has worked on all of his brother's campaigns since high school and donated millions of dollars to the Republican party."
Name this 'family values' hypocrite.
Hint: he "made $60million in 2000 when his trading company was sold - but became the subject of an SEC investigation in 2003 . . . [and while h]is former firm was accused of cheating clients out of millions of dollars . . . no criminal charges were brought against" him.
Need another hint: read the Daily Mail, Chris Christie's brother had Ashley Madison account where he wrote he wanted to 'bring some more spice into his life' and would 'try most anything once' - and met one woman online he had sex with 'a dozen times'.
UPDATE VIII: What God said to the hypocrite:
UPDATE VII: Another example of Republi-con hypocrisy.
She was divorced in 1994, 2006 and 2008, and "gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. Their father was identified as her third husband, according to court records."
Now God speaks to her.
Read the Daily Mail, Revealed: Kentucky clerk refusing to issue gay marriage licenses has been married FOUR times and gave birth to twins out of wedlock.
UPDATE VI: The title of the article says it all.
Read the Daily Mail, Pastor of Christian rehab program treating Josh Duggar was jailed for sex with an underage girl in his cabin during a church conference after telling her 'God approves'.
UPDATE V: Read Wonkette, Josh Duggar In Sex Rehab Again, Because Check Out What He Did To This Porn Star.
UPDATE IV: Duggar's real sin -- his "work was focused on fighting the legalization of same-sex marriage. He's anti-choice and has fought against transgender rights. He’s even used his own marriage as a cudgel to bully gay people for being different:
[Instagram post with caption "Marriage = Man + Woman. I'm glad to support the corporate leaders defending traditional values! #Chickfila"]
In other words, he’s spent his life trying to stop people from making the best personal choices they can for themselves and their families. . . [while] attacking the private and yes, moral choices other people make about their own lives just because those choices conflict with his religious dogma."
Read Slate, Josh Duggar’s Apology Shows He’s Learned Nothing.
UPDATE III: "Josh Duggar has confessed to cheating on his wife Anna amid reports he signed up for Ashley Madison, a website that specializes in facilitating extramarital affairs."
Read People, Josh Duggar Admits Infidelity and Pornography Addiction: 'I Have Been the Biggest Hypocrite Ever'.
Read also these prior posts: More Republi-CON Family Values, Republi-con Family Values, Exposing Republi-CONism, Republi-CON Family Values Hypocrisy, NAIVE-ocrat and Republi-CON Family Values Hypocrisy, Cont., More Republi-CON Family Values Hypocrisy, More of Those Republi-CON and So-Call Christian Family Values, Republi-CON Family Values in Wisconsin, Republi-CON Personalized Lawmaking is Cheap, Don't Ya Just Love Those Republi-CON Family Values, Don't Ya Just Love Those Republi-CON Family Values and Republi-CON Family Values, All In the Family Edition.
UPDATE II: "Earlier this year, Missouri state House Speaker John Diehl, a Republican, resigned after it was revealed that he was sexting with a legislative intern. Diehl, who held himself out as an anti-gay and anti-choice family values conservative, was caught exchanging texts with the college freshman that had such bons mots in them as, 'Will have my way with you' and 'And leave you quivering,' which were obtained from her phone, where the intern had Diehl listed as 'Frank Underwood.' . .
As reported by the Kansas City Star, two of his fellow Republicans immediately chimed in, insisting that the real solution here is to start measuring hemlines."
Read Slate, Missouri Legislature Rejects Idea to Respond to Sexual Misconduct With an Intern Dress Code.
UPDATE: Sorry, the false flag operation was just an effort to evaluate and expose his blackmailer and fight the "establishment machine.".
Read The Detroit New, Courser responds, says he was exposing blackmailers, which includes a comment from a fellow Republican who said Courser is "a man who never passes on an opportunity to preach about his supposed morals and his close relationship with God, constantly evoking religion in his personal and political stances."
"A Michigan state representative distributed a fake e-mail that suggested he had sex with a male prostitute so he could hide his relationship with another Republican state representative who is also a home-schooling mom, according to the Detroit News. Both lawmakers are Christian conservatives who frequently refer to their faith.
State Rep. Todd Courser, a married father of four, said in an audio recording that the e-mail was intended to create a 'complete smear campaign' of false claims so that a public revelation about his relationship with state Rep. Cindy Gamrat would seem 'mild by comparison.'
The Detroit News interviews suggested that the freshman representatives used their taxpayer-funded offices to maintain and cover up their relationship. The newspaper describes the two as 'socially conservative legislators who often invoke their Christian faith in pursuit of new legislation governing gun rights, abortion and marriage.' They found support through tea-party activism and formed their own legislative coalition.
Read the Washington Post, Politician reportedly leaked fake male prostitution e-mails to hide his real affair.
This story give new meaning to Republi-con coalitions. ;-)
Read also Wonkette, Christian Teabagger Reps Have Terrific Plan To Hide Real Affair, With Pretend Gay Hooker Scandal, which notes the hypocrisy of the holier-than-thou Republi-cons "whose careers are built on regurgitating bumper stickers from 'the Bible' . . . if you’re impeaching the president for getting some extramarital knob-polishing, while you are doing the very exact same thing. Or if you are writing amicus love notes to federal courts demanding the preservation of traditional boy-on-girl marriage, while you are sexting a college intern who is not your wife. Or if you give speeches about how consenting adults who love each other are a danger to children, but you have a history of finger-banging your own very young sisters. Or if a thousand other examples we could easily provide for you, but you’re smart enough to get the point."
BTW, Courser often declared his 'Christian' religion and close relationship with God to the voters and still proclaims that "God brought me here and had me here and maybe it hasn’t accomplished anything but I have to believe it has done some good [in spite] of me."
Again I ask, why are Republi-cons such suckers for snake oil salesmen?
Again I ask, why are Republi-cons such suckers for snake oil salesmen?