UPDATE: Read the Washington Post, Republicans’ 2018 doomsday scenario.
I've often said that the Naive-ocrats should just call the Republi-CON bluff(s), give them what they want, "good and hard".
Trump may just be the one to do it.
Read the Washington Post, Karma? Trump turns on the far right., which states:
"Call it political karma. Right-wing conservatives who just a couple of years ago prowled the halls of Congress and the campaign trail hunting RINOs readily cast aside all ideological standards (and ethical standards) to back President Trump. Now Trump, a wounded beast, has turned to snarl and snap at the right. . .
Frankly, it was only a matter of time before the marriage of convenience and hypocrisy began to crumble. Republicans, both mainstream and far-right, convinced themselves that Trump would be a useful vehicle for achieving long-sought political aims (in the case of House Speaker Paul Ryan, defederalizing Medicaid). The hitch, however, is that Trump simply wants deals, wins on the scoreboard, and will betray anyone or any group to satisfy his hunger for victory and adulation. . .
Republicans who sacrificed moral and intellectual integrity for the White House now reap what they’ve sown. At this rate, the #NeverTrump Republicans may overdose on schadenfreude."
Schadenfreude literally German for 'harm-joy', "is pleasure derived from the misfortune of others."
Read also the Washington Post, Trump’s failing presidency has the GOP in a free fall, which states:
"Since the rise of the tea party, there have been perhaps 30 members of the House — the Freedom Caucus — who have been consistently unwilling to vote for center-right policy because their anti-government convictions are unappeasable. Incited and abetted by conservative media, they made then-Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) life a living hell, and have greeted Ryan (Wis.) with sharpened pitchforks.
So a party at the peak of its political fortunes is utterly paralyzed. A caucus in control of everything is itself uncontrollable.
Heading into last year’s election, Republicans knew that this problem — the tea party predicament, the Freedom Caucus conundrum, the Boehner bog — had to be dealt with. The GOP needed a large and capable leader who could either unite the whole party (at least temporarily) with a bold, unifying conservative vision, or peel off some centrist Democratic support with innovative policy. They needed an above-average president.
What they got is unimaginably distant from any of these goals. They got a leader who is empty — devoid of even moderately detailed preferences and incapable of using policy details in the course of political persuasion.
Republicans got a leader who is impatient and easily distracted . . .
Republicans got an administration that is incompetent. . .
Republicans got an administration that is morally small. . .
This is a pretty bad combination: empty, easily distracted, vindictive, shallow, impatient, incompetent and morally small. This is not the profile of a governing party. . .
And all this has come in the course of the president’s political honeymoon. What, for goodness’ sake, will the marriage be like?
It is now dawning on Republicans what they have done to themselves. They thought they could somehow get away with Trump. . .
Instead, they are seeing a downward spiral of incompetence and public contempt — a collapse that is yet to reach a floor. A presidency is failing. A party unable to govern is becoming unfit to govern."
And read also the Washington Post, Trump administration has unforced errors and self-inflicted wounds galore, which stated that
"Perhaps we should not be surprised by the flurry of unforced errors. President Trump has little relevant experience, zero curiosity in policy and a rotten temperament that suggests he is divorced from reality. His staff is a mix of ideological extremists and party hacks, none with White House experience. His 30-something daughter and son-in-law have no public experience, either. How did you think this was going to work? . .
Trump most definitely is not 'winning.' He’s failing and flailing, shedding support from voters and alienating allies he desperately needs. An outbreak of backstabbing and skin-saving seems about to begin. (Trump’s lack of loyalty to underlings suggests that they will be equally unwilling to protect their boss.)
No wonder Trump has always worked in a family business. His dependents never cross him and can never resign — and he never has to tell shareholders or the public how badly he flopped."
Ain't karma a you-know-what?