Monday, August 13, 2012

Republi-CON VP Speculation

UPDATE III:  Although he's a tea party darling, "it’s worth pointing out that Ryan’s home town of Janesville, Wis., where he still lives, is recovering economically in no small part because of money from the stimulus and other federal grants."  Read the Washington Post, Federal spending is helping drive recovery of Paul Ryan’s hometown.

Does this Republi-con hypocrisy surprise anyone.  

UPDATE II:  And the nominee is a perfect Republi-con, whose family owns a national road construction firm, the author of the Roadmap for America’s Future, "a comprehensive plan to reduce the welfare state and radically curtail the government’s role in protecting citizens from life’s misfortunes," but who, after his father died, collected and used Social Security survivor's benefits to pay for college, one of the very social programs he wants to eliminate.

Should be an interesting election.

UPDATE:  Of course, there is always Mr. Nice Guy.  Read the Washington Post, Tim Pawlenty waits to see if his campaigning will lead to vice presidential nod

Who will it be?

Someone who has 'no skeletons in the closet, can give a solid convention speech, shine in the vice presidential debate -- and otherwise stay discreetly in the background — while helping carry a key state in November?  (See the Los Angeles Times, Romney will pick Portman -- and here's why.)

Or should the pick make it a "Jersey vs. Chicago" election?  (See the Washington Post, The best VP for Romney.)

Or someone "to make this a big election over big issues"? (See the Washington Post, Why do conservatives want Paul Ryan to be vice president?)

As the Los Angeles Times article notes a "surprise VP pick would be out of character for the cautious, conventional Romney, but if he’s got one up his sleeve, he’s likely to reveal it very soon. The last thing his campaign wants is a media scramble over his running mate that overshadows the carefully scripted national convention at the end of the month.

A safe and boring pick, by contrast, might only be good for burst of publicity that would fade in a matter of days--which argues for waiting, perhaps until the week before the delegates gather in Tampa, Fla.

That’s why each day that passes without an announcement from Romney makes it more likely that Ohio’s junior senator will get the call."