UPDATE III: Palin joins the Republi-con "not intended to be a factual statement" campaign. "She spent half an hour the other day chatting with Fox News’s Greta van Susteren. . .
Much of the interview consisted of fluffy stuff, but every so often van Susteren diverted into asking about policy issues. Palin responded with her trademark style of making broad assertions with only a shaky command of the facts. Read the Washington Post, Sarah Palin collects a bushel of Pinocchios on her bus tour.
UPDATE II: "Gingrich's epic press release that has D.C. buzzing":
BTW, Designer Jon White turned the press release into an illustrated poem:

UPDATE: Newt joins the Republi-con "not intended to be a factual statement" campaign. From the Washington Post:

After a
Republi-con lied in a Senate budget debate, his office "explained that it was 'not intended to be a factual statement.'" Read CNN,
Colbert vs. Kyl and spread of 'misinformation'.
And "WorldNetDaily's [editor-in-chief] Joseph Farah explains the journalistic standards at his Birther news website." Read Salon,
Right-wing publisher: We run "some misinformation".
All part of the Republi-con fear, anger and hatred political campaign.