UPDATE III: For everything you need to know about contempt of court, read the U.S. Attorney's Manual, 9-39.000 Contempt of Court.
UPDATE II: The story has gone national. Read the Washington Times, School prayer charges stir protests.
UPDATE: Maybe he doesn't regret the speech. Read the Pensacola News Journal, A principal's principles.
Was it contempt of Court or contempt for God? Well now it is alleged criminal contempt of court. Read the Pensacola News Journal, Criminal charges in Pace prayer suit.
Here is the Court's Notice and Order of Criminal Contempt Proceedings:
Bet he now wishes he hadn't made that speech in church. I wonder if he will "back down, back-off, lay down or roll over" now. Watch the video from PNJ.com and you'll know what I mean:
For everything you need to know about contempt of court, read the U.S. Attorney's Manual, 9-39.000 Contempt of Court.