UPDATE IV: "The God of History bounds the Confederacy in its own chains." Read the declarations off secession and the words of the Vice-President of the Confederacy at The Atlantic, The Ghost of Bobby Lee.
Try as they might, Republi-con can't deny history.
UPDATE III: Confederate History Month celebrates the "fight over freedom or the Constitution or states' rights. But the "right" that was being fought over was the ability to own human beings, compel their labor, buy and sell them as if they were livestock, exploit them sexually and torture or kill them if they tried to escape." Read the Washington Post, Haley Barbour's 'diddly' sense of slavery's history.
Confederate History Month -- just more Republi-con revisionist history.
UPDATE II: Read the Chicago Tribune, It’s not hate, it’s hateful history.
I wonder if this will become an issue in the 2010 Arizona and Florida primary elections. Hey McCain and Hayward and Crist and Rubio, will you sign proclamations for Confederate History Month?
UPDATE: Open mouth, insert foot. Read the Washington Post, McDonnell's apology raises questions about what he really believes.
A celebration of heritage or pining for the good old days of segregation and white supremacy. Read the Washington Post, Confederates in the statehouse and Bob McDonnell can't change Virginia's history of slavery.
Bet those nostalgic for slavery can't wait to hear that ol' favorite, "Carry Me Back to Old Virginny," I'm sure "old darky's heart" miss "old Massa."
First, limos, private jets and night out at a lesbian bondage nightclub, now Dixie. What next, blackface minstrelsy singing at the 'cross lighting.'
No veepstakes for him.