NoBullU will broadcast today from 4:05 to 6:00 p.m. at 1330 AM WEBY and on line.
Local Business Shout-Out: Bodacious Pies & Bakery, 5237 Willing St Milton, FL, (850) 450-9398, bread, pastries, pies, sweets, and more.
Follow-up to fact-free fantasies: don't be duped by the Birthers, Friday sycophants and their fear of debating;
Local and regional: a Blues error and what yahoo picked Blue Wahoos?;
National and international: I'm waiting, where's the balanced budget, don't hold you breath because the Republi-CONs Con the Tea Party, there'll be no $100 billion budget cut, and let's admit the obvious, the Republi-CONs are not serious about deficits, and remember, we went from surplus to debt, Republi-CON style,
call the Republi-CON bluff on the debt and the deficit,
the "Not Intended to be a Factual Statement" and "Misinformation" Propaganda Industry continues, otherwise known as the 2012 Republi-CON Campaign,
who is your favorite 2012 candidate, and she's back, but will she save us, who knows, right now, Sarah is taking the family on a for-profit vacation, and giving the country a little Republi-con history lesson,
and speaking of narcissistic politicians (opportunists playing to outrage while taking care of themselves. . . [with] nothing to offer but honeyed words, the syrup for suckers), there is the 'Love Child Father' who could have been President, and Congressional Family Values Hypocrisy, Cont.
whoops, math error, not it's 141 days til the end of the world, again,
who needs sympathetic human emotion. . . reason is everything, religion is a fraud, selfishness is a virtue, altruism is a crime against human excellence, self-sacrifice is weakness, weakness is contemptible?, or does survival depend as much on cooperation as it does on a competition between self-interests?,
great wealth and unhappiness,
the Middle East mess and the hope for democracy, and Christians and Muslims clashing in Egypt, Syria attempting to crush its democracy rebellion and Palestinians climbing over fences into Israel — the best we can do now is manage the unavoidable and avoid the unmanageable, time for a serious peace policy combined with a serious energy policy, and he may be dead, but will he still win thanks to the Republi-CONs?,
so you don't believe in global warming, then explain what happens to 35 gigatons of CO2 each year,
the health care industry bottom-line, the reason Republi-con want to repeal the new health care law, the nation’s bloated annual health-care tab would swell by more than $4 billion" after a company raised the price of a medicine from $20 to $1,500 per dose, and bad news for health care law opponents,
you're so wonderful, not,
and 'The Great Stagnation' and our broken political system;
Fun stuff: the Y Generation, Husband Day Care, cute little cats in 'It Could Be Worse', Mission Impossible, Squirrel Edition, and Escapa, and posting tomorrow, The Y Generation, don't miss it;
Donate to a good cause: help the friends of a former instructor at the Naval EOD school at Eglin Air Force Base, Gunnery Sgt. John Hayes, who was detachment company gunnery sergeant from June 2007 to June 2010 and taught several courses and was recently wounded in Afghanistan.
I'll discuss anything, but expect a no mercy take down if you are a shrieking hatemonger of right-wing rhetoric and partisan hackery, pandering to fear, anger and hatred, because the truth sure makes it hard out there for the party pimps.
So tune-in, call-in, but only if you can handle the truth and some ass kickin' discussion of politics and current events.