UPDATE II: It is your choice, "Government can keep its current promises, undertake the complicated and often frustrating work of bringing health costs under control, and work for the day when everyone has health insurance. Or it can ask individuals to carry an ever-heavier load, expect invisible hands to perform miracles and leave Americans to take their chances with the insurance companies." Read the Washington Post, Why Paul Ryan is losing the Medicare argument.
UPDATE: For more on the public reaction to the Republi-con 'every man for himself' governing philosophy, read the Washington Post, Republicans continue to be their own worst enemy.
As I stated before, the Naive-ocrats have been too stupid to call the bluff -- give the public what it claims it wants until they don't want it anymore.
Because they really don't want what the
Republi-cons propose.
Just ask Jane Corwin.
Read the Washington Post,
Democrat Hochul wins N.Y. special House election and The New York Times,
G.O.P. on the Defensive as Voters Resist Medicare Plan, which noted: "voters like the idea of budget cuts, but that they often recoil when those cuts threaten the programs that touch their lives."