Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Everyman for Himself

UPDATE II: Banksy might blame them all.

Watch the graffiti artist and provocateur's take down of corporate greed and labor out sourcing by the corporation that owns the Republi-con party, 20th Century Fox, in this opening scene of the MoneyBart episode of The Simpsons:

UPDATE: What is to blame for the rise in income inequality? Technology changes, globalization, industry deregulation, the decline of unions, social changes that make income inequality acceptable, or increased corporate power? Read the Washington Post, The costs of rising economic inequality.

And vote in the poll.

How much money is enough, and when do greed, ambition, and betrayal of friends, partners and principles harm society in the long term?

"The film about Facebook’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg, can be viewed as a cautionary tale or something to applaud." Read The New York Times, Film Version of Zuckerberg Divides Generation.

And consider that a society where it's everyman for himself would be a brutal, ugly place to live.