Worst of all, the president twisted the meaning of the scout law. 'As the scout law says, a scout is trustworthy, loyal — we could use some more loyalty, I will tell you that,' he said in an apparent reference to Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Trump has recently demeaned Sessions, one of his oldest allies, because the attorney general recused himself from the Russia investigation, in accordance with Justice Department ethics guidelines. Loyalty for Trump is personal and flows in one direction — he expects it but does not give it. The loyalty that the scouts — and, for that matter, the Justice Department — stand for belongs not to a single man but to the country and its democratic system. . .
Trump’s lesson for 30,000 young men was that the bullies are right and that humility and self-sacrifice are for suckers. Exulting in his election victory, attacking his political opponents and railing on about killing Obamacare, the president celebrated winning — and, specifically, his winning — above all else. His boastful speech did not model public-spiritedness; it showcased the immodesty and one-upmanship that the organization expects its boys to grow out of. Instead of addressing the crowd, the president could have learned something from its finer members, decades his junior."
Read the Washington Post, Trump insults everything the Boy Scouts stand for.
Read also the Washington Post,
From ‘fake media’ to Clinton, Trump brings political attacks to the Scout Jamboree, and
Trump’s Boy Scouts speech broke with 80 years of presidential tradition.