UPDATE III: So, besides the right-wing media and their delusions and fantisies, what is the problem?
Read the Washington Post, Trump can’t stop the Freedom Caucus. He has GOP gerrymandering to blame., which noted:
"The 40 members of the Freedom Caucus represent such safe Republican districts that the only threat they fear is a primary challenge from a conservative further to their right. Republican redistricting guaranteed the GOP a near-lock on the House after the 2010 Census — but it also created a nearly ungovernable caucus. They gerrymandered themselves into this predicament.
These congressmen are perfectly content to say no and lose on principle, because compromise and conciliation — the actual work of politics — are the only things that can cost them their jobs."
UPDATE II: "There have been 12 government shutdowns since 1980, six of which lasted just one or two days. But there has never been a shutdown in that period that occurred when one party controlled the White House, the House and the Senate.
That should make it easier to avoid a shutdown, but Trump has campaigned on big cuts in spending. If he abandons his call for spending cuts, it could embolden Democrats to oppose more of his agenda. But if he doesn’t call for enough spending cuts, the conservative House Freedom Caucus could reject the plan. It routinely opposed spending bills during the Obama administration, and its members frequently say they will not support any spending bill that widens the deficit."
Read the Washington Post, Trump’s plan to avoid a government shutdown tests his fellow Republicans.
UPDATE: Although this article focuses on health care, it could be any major issue.
Read the Washington Post, Republicans can pretend all they want. Health-care reform is still dead., which notes that the "GOP has never come to terms with the divide between moderates and conservatives; between what Trump ran on and what conservatives expect; and between populist language and popular revulsion about doing away with all Obamacare protections."
It could just as easily have said that the 'GOP has never come to terms with the divide between moderates and conservatives; between what Trump ran on and what conservatives expect; and between populist language and popular revulsion about doing' anything.
It didn't have to when it was just the Party of NO!
The Donald claims to be a skilled businessman, a tough negotiator, a savvy dealmaker. He has big ideas and secret strategies. He alone alone possesses the ability to break through the gridlock of Washington.
Yet right!
"Forget the impact the spectacular health-care debacle will have on the future of tax reform or plans for an infrastructure deal. You need to focus on two freight trains racing toward each other at high speed: the budget and the debt ceiling."
Read the Washington Post, ‘The budget from hell’ and raising the debt ceiling: Republicans are not ready for this.
Read also the Washington Post, Trump says his budget will make government ‘lean.’ It’s really a scam.