UPDATE III: Another from Mike, who said "[m]ost people have enough decency not to post this. Not me, though."
BP's final attempt to stop the leak....

UPDATE II: But serious, has anyone heard from Big Oil's Big Daddy, Dick 'Chickenhawk' Cheney? He must be reading the report from his secret energy task force. You know, the one that "presented a rosy picture of the offshore drilling industry."
From Mother Jones, Dick Cheney's Last Laugh:
Many of the recommendations from the task force report were adopted in the 2005 Energy Policy Act. That legislation provided $6 billion in subsidies for oil and gas development. Royalty payments for oil and gas development were waived in several regions of the US. Some companies were allowed to pay royalties with oil, rather than money—a less transparent system that was more vulnerable to abuse. The bill also provided $1.5 billion in direct payments to companies to incentivize drilling in deepwater wells, and curtailed the power of states to oversee oil and gas exploration off their coasts under the Coastal Zone Management Act.
In addition, the bill weakened environmental protections for offshore drilling, making it easier to exclude a broad range of exploration and drilling activities from analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act. This has been cited as the reason that the Deepwater Horizon site was not subjected to a thorough environmental analysis.
The task force's final report also presented a rosy picture of the offshore drilling industry. Newer oil and gas drilling methods, it said, "practically eliminate spills from offshore platforms" and "enhance worker safety, lower risk of blowouts, and provide better protection of groundwater resources." The report advocated lifting the moratorium on portions of the outer continental shelf, noting that "concerns over the potential impacts of oil spills have been a major factor behind imposition of the OCS moratoria." Bush lifted the executive moratorium in 2008, and the Democratic-controlled Congress allowed its own moratorium to expire.
UPDATE: From Mike:
BP put a giant wedding ring over the ruptured oil pipe, and it immediately stopped putting out.
The best suggestion I've heard/seen yet: