Friday, September 1, 2017

Trump's Big CON: I Witnessed the Hurricane Horror & Devastation "First Hand"

Actually he didn't have time, he was too busy promoting and selling "campaign swag".

Read the Washington Post, Trump claimed he witnessed Harvey’s devastation ‘first hand.’ The White House basically admits he didn’t., which states:

"Maybe he doesn't know what the word 'firsthand' means?

But Trump's tweet leaves an incorrect assessment of his initial trip to Texas after Hurricane Harvey and his level of direct engagement with the storm's effects. And rather than correct the record and admit the mistake, the White House decided to double down — and try to rewrite the English language.

Update: It turns out Trump's Instagram promoted the 'first hand' claim by showing Trump looking at a picture of a radar -- which, again, is not firsthand observation."

Of course, we know that The Donald likes to exaggerate about his hands.

Trump's Big CON: "He's So Pretty", Crowd Size Edition (AKA Trump is a Psycho-Narcissistic Con Man (CONt., Part 13))

My Mr. President, what big crowds you have!

"President Trump isn't happy about insubordinate public comments by chief economic adviser Gary Cohn and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, yet he isn't planning to do anything about them, Politico reports.

But the underwhelming crowd at last week's rally in Phoenix, organized by longtime aide George Gigicos? That's another story.

Bloomberg News reports that Trump, miffed about the optics of empty seats in the Phoenix Convention Center, 'later had his top security aide, Keith Schiller, inform Gigicos that he'd never manage a Trump rally again, according to three people familiar with the matter.'

The president's contrasting responses reveal, once again, the structure of his unorthodox political value system. This is your regular reminder that he cares about crowd size more than almost anything else."

Read the Washington Post, Your regular reminder that Trump cares more about crowd size than almost anything else.