UPDATE: This story embodies everything people hate about Washington. It:
Explains the “revolving door” between the industry and those who regulate and legislate it,
Shows the “clear money trail” between the industry and the lawmakers, and
Reveals that Congress glossed over the controversial legislation, never debating it by using a procedural tool to pass it without opposition.
All for a "crisis that left a death toll three times greater than the total U.S. military deaths in the Vietnam War."
Read the Washington Post, Why this investigation into Congress’s ties to the drug industry has Washington’s attention.
One of the issues that The Donald "leveraged" to win the election is the growing and deadly opioid addition crisis.
The Donald then nominated Rep. Tom Marino (R-Pa.) his drug czar.
Now "an investigation by The Washington Post and '60 Minutes' [has] detailed [Marino's] years-long efforts to pass a law that critics say allowed the drug industry to profit off people addicted to opioids. . .
This is the second time in a month that a journalism investigation has cost a Trump administration official his job (or, in Marino's case, his almost-job). Tom Price resigned as health and human services secretary in late September following revelations of an extensive and expensive charter flight habit first reported by Politico. . .
The backstory: In April 2016, at the height of the deadliest drug epidemic in U.S. history, Congress stripped the Drug Enforcement Administration of its most potent weapon to keep prescription narcotics from going straight from major drug companies to the nation's streets. . .
Marino's role in all this: It's hard to overstate. According to the investigation:
Marino wrote the pro-drug industry law that ultimately passed. He spent years pushing versions of it through Congress. . .
Marino has clear ties to the drug industry. He received nearly $100,000 in campaign contributions from political action committees supporting the industry. . .
Marino asked for (and got) an investigation of a DEA investigator standing in his way. . .
He didn't cooperate with the reporters working on the investigation. . ."
Read the Washington Post, A cheat sheet to the investigation that cost Rep. Tom Marino the nomination to be drug czar.