UPDATE II: "It was a good idea back in 2008, in the final days of the Bush administration.
With almost no opposition, Congress passed a new law to protect immigrant children from sex traffickers trying to bring them to the United States. It required judges to hold hearings for youngsters from countries other than neighboring Mexico and Canada, preventing them from possibly getting turned away at the border. . .
Why does it take so long for a hearing?
One reason is that Congress has failed to provide enough money for timely hearings".
Read CNN, Unintended consequences: 2008 anti-trafficking law contributes to border crisis.
UPDATE: More Republi-con hypocrisy:
"In the two weeks since President Obama announced that, in the absence of congressional action on immigration reform, he was planning to go it alone on addressing the problem, many conservatives have accused the White House of overstepping its executive authority.
Now some Republicans are making the opposite claim: that the president isn’t doing enough to take advantage of his ability to do something about the flood of children detained at the border from Central American nations without waiting for the law to change. During an appearance on Meet the Press, Michigan Representative Mike Rogers, a Republican who chairs the House intelligence committee, said , “The president has tools in his toolbox that he can do immediately to stop this.”
Specifically, Rogers suggested that Obama—who has asked Congress for $3.7 billion to deal with the issue—can simply begin returning the children home, despite a 2008 antitrafficking law that gives children entering the U.S. from countries other than Canada or Mexico legal protections that prohibit speedy deportation."
Read Businessweek, On Immigration, Republicans Say Obama Is Exercising Too Much Authority, and Not Enough.
Actually, the problem began with a law passed in 2008 by the "unanimous consent in the House of Representatives" and Senate.
Read National Journal, Why We Don't Immediately Send the Border Kids Back.
So many of the very same Republi-cons who are complaining now voted for the law in 2008.