UPDATE: "Are the battles among establishment Republicans and the tea party folks the desperate thrashings of a dying movement or the labor pains of a new one?" Read The New York Times, G.O.P. Grief and Grieving.
2010 will be a year of Republi-con civil war, and Florida is where the fighting is now fiercest.
As previously noted, the 2010 Florida Senate race is shaping up to be Washington leadership v. grassroots, pragmatism v. ideological delusion, reality v. lunacy. It is an intra-party fight whether to moderate the political agenda or go all-in conservative hypocrisy, whether the campaign theme should be hope for the future or fear and loathing.
And Florida is a great setting for this smack down, a political "swamp of Elián Gonzáles, Terri Schiavo, Mark Foley, Katherine Harris, William Kennedy Smith, confused Jews voting for Pat Buchanan in Palm Beach County, the National Enquirer (based here), Rush Limbaugh (lives here) and Tiger Woods (crashed here). " (BTW, there is a local NW Florida/Republi-con Riviera angle to the article.)
So get ready for the fun by reading The New York, The First Senator From the Tea Party?
P.S. One of these guys needs a catchy and practical proposal to unite and reform the party. I'd suggest GR&TR (formerly known as GRAC). We'll discuss Friday.