NoBullU will broadcast today from 4:05 to 6:00 p.m. at 1330 AM WEBY and on line.
Local Business/Event Shout-Out: TBD;
Follow-up: Don't be duped by the Birthers, including our very own Pastor Dred Scott (you may remember the infamous Dred Scott decision of 1857, which asserted that African Americans were "beings of an inferior order" who "had no rights which the white man was bound to respect." That ruling declared that African Americans could never be U.S. citizens and therefore could never be President), and The spin of Pastor 2+2 Does Not = 4
See The Fogbow, "your best resource for debunking the lies of the 'birther' movement and discussing the birther antics" and, there is even a Birther Case Scorecard, 0-80 for the birthers;
Fact-free fantasies of the shrieking hatemongers of right-wing rhetoric and partisan hackery: all part of the fundamentalist subculture of ignorance that embraces 'discredited, ridiculous and even dangerous ideas'
And America's preference for rhetorical fairy tales to unpleasant realities
Local and regional: To toll or not to toll and be a hypocrite, major economic expansion and 100s of jobs at risk because of some snotty-nosed kids only in in Podunk-cola, and Public defenders or criminals?;
National and international: I'm waiting, where's the balanced budget, don't hold you breath because the Republi-CONs Con the Tea Party, there'll be no $100 billion budget cut, and let's admit the obvious, the Republi-CONs are not serious about deficits, and who's responsible for the debt
Still no sign of those 'invisible [Republi-CON] bond vigilantes'
Did Obama save the economy?
Republi-CONs in their delusion-land
Republi-CON budget drama, much to do about nothing
All that talk about the federal deficit and debt is just a Republi-CON CON game
Good news for the economy, bad news for Republi-CONs
The myth of expansionary austerity
Still unemployed, it's the economy stupid!
Pity the 1%, they control only 43% of the country's wealth
And the Republi-CON race cont., to find America’s Not-Mitt
Obama's New BFF
FL here were the Republi-CONs
What next for the Republi-CONs
Still searching for the ideal Republican candidate: conservative, interested, electable
CONservatism is a CON game, and the Republi-CON candidates are the result
Romney: 'I’m not concerned about the very poor, because 'I like being able to fire people'
Open Mouth, Insert Golden Spoon
Pity poor Obamney, McCain's Obamney playbook
Obama in 2012?, Lookin better for Obama all the time
Déjà vu all over again, what to expect if it is Obama v. Romney
Save Us, Sarah, Save Us!
The Republi-CON Tea Party
Health Care Lawsuit Update
After reading two of the appellate opinions, it doesn't look good for the Republi-CONs
It's Not Who You Are, It's Who You Know
Once upon a time, a story of fairy tale President
The myth of voter fraud
The good ol' days , dying in car crashes
For those who favor the Republi-con 'Every Man For Himself" myth
The Republi-CON 'We Are Better Than Europe' myth
The Republi-CON 'Less Government, More Personal Freedom' myth
Fun stuff: Now why didn't we think of this: urine-controlled video games
Donate to a good cause: TBD.
I'll discuss anything, but expect a no mercy take-down if you are a shrieking hatemonger of right-wing rhetoric and partisan hackery, pandering to fear, anger and hatred, because the truth sure makes it hard out there for the party pimps.
So tune-in, call-in, but only if you can handle the truth and some ass kickin' discussion of politics and current events.