UPDATE V: Colbert explains how "Weiner's sadly delicious sordid saga proves that Democrats don't share Republican values":
UPDATE IV: Colbert "admires the fiscal discipline it takes to resist launching a federal investigation of Anthony Weiner's groin":
The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Anthony Weiner Addresses Twitter Scandal
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UPDATE III: "The young woman who was sent a lewd photo from the Twitter account of Rep. Anthony Weiner says she doesn’t think the New York Democrat was hacked, but that he may have been trying to send it to a porn star with a similar name." Politico, Seattle student: Weiner photo meant for porn star.
I'm sure his wife is happy to hear that.
UPDATE II: For more on Weiner's pickle, read the Washington Post, 'Weinergate' theory: private photo, public embarrassment.
Maybe his staff should consider "'congressional control software.' Motto: 'Know with certitude what your member’s up to.'" Read the Washington Post, Track your teen lawmaker.
UPDATE: There must be something in the water fountains in Congress. Read The Daily Caller, #Weinergate: Married congressman’s Twitter account shares lewd photo.
Gingrich, Sanford, Souder, Ensign, Craig, Foley, Vitter -- now Chris Lee. Read the Washington Post, Rep. Chris Lee (R-Craigslist).