UPDATE III: If you suffer from insomnia, the FL health care lawsuit court documents have been updated.
UPDATE II: A government motion to dismiss is still pending here in Pensacola, FL, but the federal judge said he was going to deny it.
And a federal judge in Virginia "denied a government motion to dismiss the case and is scheduled to hear oral arguments on the merits on Oct. 18."
Not so in "Michigan [where another federal judge] ruled Thursday that the new health-care overhaul law is constitutional, rejecting an argument that Congress lacked the power to create the legislation's 'individual mandate,' which requires virtually all Americans to purchase health insurance." Read the Washington Post, New health-care law constitutional, federal judge rules.
UPDATE Read the Washington Post, Opponents present case against Obama's health-care law in 20-state lawsuit.
Tomorrow is a big day in the health care lawsuit, first arguments for dismissal of the lawsuit. Read the Los Angles Times, States opposed to healthcare overhaul pin hopes on Florida court hearing and the Wall Street Journal, Conservative Duo Tests Health Law.
I'll update the court documents later.