Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Even More Republi-CON Family Values

UPDATE III: In 2012, Tennessee Republican Representative Scott DesJarlais was exposed as having had extramarrital affairs, having slept with his medical patients, and having supported his ex-wife's decision to get two abortions before their marriage, despite his staunch public pro-life stance. Roughly one month later, he won re-election to Congress. It seems he may go on to do so again: DesJarlais officially won his Republican primary contest on Monday.

Read Slate, Hypocritical Pro-Life Doctor Who Had Sex With Patients Ekes Out GOP Primary Win

Don't ya just love those so-called Republi-con family values.

UPDATE II:  "According to a new report from the Chattanooga Times Free Press the congressman, who is also a doctor, admitted to sexual relationships with multiple patients and co-workers during sworn testimony at his divorce trial and urged his now-ex-wife to get two abortions, despite campaigning for Congress as an antiabortion rights, family values candidate.

The paper obtained a transcript of his 2001 trial, in which DesJarlais cops to having 'had sexual relationships with at least two patients, three coworkers and a drug representative while he was chief of staff at Grandview Medical Center in Jasper, Tenn.,' in the paper’s words. The relationships with patients both occurred in 2000, when DesJarlais was married."

Read the Washington Post, Rep. DesJarlais admitted to affairs with two patients during divorce trial, which notes he was won "reelection with just slightly less of the vote than he took in his first campaign in 2010."

UPDATE:  "Republican Congressman Scott DesJarlais stands adamantly against abortion except when it endangers the political life of the father." 

Watch the Colbert Report, Alpha Dog of the Week - Scott DesJarlais:

Ya gotta love those so-called Republi-con family values, this time a pro-life congressman and doctor pressured his mistress patient to get abortion. 

Read the Washington Post, Republican Rep. Scott DesJarlais pressed mistress to get an abortion, report says.

The article cited also notes that during his divorce, "he eventually admitted in court papers to at least four affairs. Court records indicate that at one point in the marriage, [DesJarlais and his then wife] had a 'written agreement to date other people.'"

Read about other so-called Republi-con family values.