UPDATE IV: "Superintendent Tim Wyrosdick told WUWF radio, 'Nothing in the revised consent decree changes what employees could or couldn't do.' (See the differences yourself at: http://bit.ly/pJuOA2)." Read the Pensacola News Journal, Liberty Counsel 'win' in the bank.
UPDATE III: Ransom paid, lawsuits dismissed. Read the Pensacola News Journal, 3-year Santa Rosa school prayer battle is over.
Read the competing press releases from the ACLU and Liberty Counsel.
And to read the court documents, click here.
UPDATE II: The court has ruled on Liberty Counsel's motion for a preliminary injunction and the School District's motion to dismiss. To read the order and some of the other court documents, click here.
UPDATE: If you suffer from insomnia, the local school district lawsuit court documents have been updated.
Don't forget about that other lawsuit, Contempt of Court or Contempt For God: Now The Teachers Sue.
Liberty Counsel has filed a motion for a preliminary injunction.
To read the motion and some of the other court documents, click here.