If Obanmey is elected president, Donald Trump expects to be Secretary of State. Read the Washington Post,
Romney plays his Trump card, which goes on to note, and I quote at length:
"Romney thinks that Trump actually has the Romney campaign’s best interests in mind? Really? If so, one has to wonder whether Romney is too gullible to be president.
The idea that Trump cares about anything bigger than Trump is absurd. In his mind, from all evidence, there is nothing bigger than Trump.
If Trump really wanted Romney to win, he wouldn’t have done an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that deserves a prominent place in the annals of lunacy. Trump begins by slamming a taped introduction as 'totally inappropriate' and 'actually very dishonest' because it focused on the birther nonsense. He goes on to tell Blitzer that Obama 'uses reverse psychology' and pretends nonchalance about discussions of his origins when actually 'it’s not an issue that he likes talking about.'
I should interject that, back here on Planet Earth, the Obama campaign did all it could this week to focus attention on Trump and birtherism. The mood of top advisers seemed to approach unrestrained glee.
Poor Blitzer notes that Hawaii has formally certified Obama’s birth certificate. Trump contends that 'many people' do not believe the document is authentic.
'Like who?' Blitzer asks.
'There are many people,' says Trump.
'Give me a name of somebody,' demands Blitzer.
'There are many people,' says Trump. 'I don’t give names.'
Indeed, Trump refuses to violate the Super-Secret Birther Code of Silence by naming a single person who doubts the facts of Obama’s birth. He does pin himself down, however, when Blitzer asks whether 'the conspiracy' is supposed to have begun in 1961, when announcements of Obama’s birth were published in two Honolulu newspapers.
'That’s right,' Trump says. 'And many people put those announcements in because they wanted to get the benefit of being so-called born in this country. Many people did it. It was something that was done by many people, even if they weren’t born in the country. You know it, and so do I, and so do a lot of your viewers.'
This is transparently crazy — and also stupid. It is a bald-faced lie that 'many people' — or any people, far as I can tell — ever published fake birth announcements in hopes of establishing citizenship.
Moreover, Obama has to be a U.S. citizen, even if he were born on the moon, because of his mother’s citizenship. Trump needs to hire some writers to come up with better material.
As for Romney, he needs to decide whether Trump is the sort of person on whom he wants to rely for support and advice — if he’s one of the 'good people' Romney would be proud to have at his side if he becomes president.
Oh, sorry. Looks as if that choice has already been made."