Friday, January 7, 2011

Republi-CON Health Care Hypocrisy, Cont.

UPDATE II: Where is that death-panel outrage? Read the Washington Post, 2nd person denied Ariz. transplant coverage dies.

UPDATE: So many Republi-con lies. Read PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'A government takeover of health care'.

What state is "'leading the way with health insurance for everyone, without a government takeover and without raising taxes.' . . More than 98 percent - 98 percent! - of the state's residents now have health insurance, as do more than 99 percent of the state's children. . . According to data from America's Health Insurance Plans, the largest health insurer trade group, premiums [in the state] have fallen by 40 percent since the reforms were put in place. Nationally, those premiums have risen by 14 percent."? Read the Washington Post, Health-care overhaul's individual mandate makes all the difference.

Next Year Return Misfit Gifts Before Receiving Them

UPDATE: "Next year, why not spare loved ones the trouble of returning gifts, and give cash instead?" Read The New York Times, The Best Present Money Can Buy.

Don't want that 'Thread and Bobbin Sewing Kit' from Aunt Mildred. In the future you may never receive it if she bought it at Amazon. Read the Washington Post, Amazon patents procedure to let recipients avoid undesirable gifts.

Is it rude, tacky but necessary, or a great idea for the gift giver and receiver. Vote in the Washington Post poll: What do you think of Amazon's plan?

No More Blamin Obama

UPDATE II: "[B]e wary of politicians bearing promises of a perfect world where average Americans can get the mortgages to which we now all feel entitled and the government is nowhere to be seen. It’s a mirage." Read The New York Times, Who Wants a 30-Year Mortgage.

UPDATE: Republi-con "rhetoric is nearly devoid of talk about solving practical problems. . . It may be easier to report windy speeches about 'liberty' and 'entrepreneurship' than to do the grubby work of examining budgets, regulations, programs and economic consequences. " Read the Washington Post, Conservative advice for a Congress of professors.

What Republi-con rhetoric you ask? You ain't been listening. Read the Washington Post, 'Job-killing' regulation? 'Job-killing' spending? Let's kill this GOP canard.

The Republi-con Congress starts soon, which reminds me of this old joke:

I met a fairy today that would grant me one wish: "I want to live forever," I said.

"Sorry" said the fairy, "I'm not allowed to grant wishes like that!"

"Fine," I said, "I want to die after the politicians get their heads out of their asses and start telling the truth!"

One of the first broken promises, balancing the budget. Read ABC News, Debt Ceiling Debate Will Test New Congressional Leadership and Slate, Faking Right, How the Republican Congress will abandon Tea Party ideas and legislate toward the center.