UPDATE: Regarding Florida's ban on gay adoption, in November 2008, a Florida trial court declared the law unconstitutional. The Judge "wrote that Dr. Rekers was 'motivated by his strong ideological and theological convictions that are not consistent with the science,' and not 'credible.'" McCollum appealed that decision, denouncing "the court’s 'wholesale disregard' of testimony by Dr. Rekers and another expert, calling the decision 'arbitrary,' stressing Dr. Rekers’ qualifications and stating that 'the trial court entirely discredited him based on his religion.'" Read The New York Times, Scandal Stirs Legal Questions in Anti-Gay Cases.
Who need science, Republi-cons rely on fear, anger, and hatred, as well as self-loathing closeted hypocrites, to advance their political careers.
Giving new meaning to the phrase: do as I say, not as I do, "Rep. Mark Souder (R-Ind.), who will resign from Congress as a result of an affair with a female staffer, filmed a video interview about abstinence only education with that same staffer." Read Politico,
Souder and staffer in 'abstinence only' video.
This follows the story of George Rekers, a married, 61-year-old Baptist minister and clinical psychologist with a bent for “curing” homosexuality, who co-founded the Family Research Council "was
caught by Miami New Times last month in the company of a 20-year-old male escort at Miami International Airport." Read The New York Times,
A Heaven-Sent Rent Boy.
BTW, Rekers was "the 'expert' that Attorney General Bill McCollum, a Republican who is running for governor, got the state to pay $120,000 to testify in support of Florida's ban on gay adoption." Read the St. Petersburg Times,
Rentboys, Cadillacs and scandals, oh my!For a "guide to some of the more notable public embarrassments over the last four decades and how individual politicians weathered the storm," see the Washington Post,
A History of Political Sex Scandals.
Of all wars, only culture wars offer the hope of sheer, unadulterated hilarity. Sex and hypocrisy were staples of farce long before America became a nation, and they never go out of style."