Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Trump's Big CON: He Is Our Savior (NOT), ISIS Edition (The 'I Want The Credit, Don't Blame Me' President, CONt Part 3)

"A president taking credit for a successful outcome started by his predecessor is a time-honored tradition. . . .

That still does not make it right. Trump exacerbates the braggadocio by specifically saying he has done “by far” more than Obama, even though he inherited a structure and plan developed by Obama. Experts credit Trump with some tactical shifts that may have stepped up the tempo — though the number of civilian deaths has soared as a result. But in reality, according to several metrics, more was done under Obama.

Trump earns Three Pinocchios."

 Read the Washington Post, Trump’s claim that he’s done more ‘by far’ than Obama in the fight against ISIS.

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