Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Republi-CON Jeff Miller, R-Hypocrite-ville

UPDATE II: Shouldn't be long now until Miller endorses "Perry, a former West Texas cotton farmer, [who] received at least $83,000 in federal farm subsidies between 1987 and 1998, during the time he was in elected office, according to his tax returns."

For more instances of Perry hypocrisy, read The New York Times, As a States’ Rights Stalwart, Perry Draws Doubts.

UPDATE: "A town hall meeting at Marcus Pointe Baptist Church brought out at least 300 people, many of whom attacked U.S. Rep. Jeff Miller's vote to raise the debt ceiling." Read the Pensacola News Journal, Miller takes heat for debt deal.

From the Pensacola New Journal, Rep. Jeff Miller speaks out on the debt showdown:

"Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Chumuckla, said he voted for the Boehner proposal even though its spending cuts weren't as deep as an earlier version of debt-limit legislation because President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats aren't serious about cutting the debt."

Did Boehner's bill end farm subsidies for wealthy farmers?

I think it's a fair question because Republi-CON Jeff Miller's family, who collectively own thousands of acres in the local area, has received millions in farm subsidies. Even he collected some before he first ran for public office.

Just curious if CONgress Miller is trying to con us into believing he is a fiscal conservative.

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