UPDATE: Cheney says he'll be a one-termer. If so, what then?
How about Justice Obama? Read the Washington Post, Supreme Court Justice Barack Obama.
Yes he can have a legacy. "He [just ] needs to redefine what his administration hopes to achieve." Read The New York Times,
What’s Next, Mr. President?The article suggest five steps to "America’s faith in its own institutions," including "leading a campaign of brazen honesty with the American people. . . [to] lay out the fiscal realities and explain that voters cannot continue to demand programs they are unwilling to pay for."
P.S. He better hurry because those
waskly Republi-cons are up to no good. Their "crusade against health reform has relied, crucially, on utter hypocrisy: Republicans who hate Medicare, tried to slash Medicare in the past, and still aim to dismantle the program over time, have been scoring political points by denouncing proposals for modest cost savings — savings that are substantially smaller than the spending cuts buried in their own proposals.
And if Democrats don’t get their act together and push the almost-completed reform across the goal line, this breathtaking act of staggering hypocrisy will succeed."
Read about it at The New York Times,
Republicans and Medicare.