Saturday, October 31, 2015

Sexy Barney, and Other Halloween Costumes That Might Get you Fired or Even Arrested


"It's almost Halloween, which means that we're about to see another round of totally bizarre 'sexy' costumes."

Read Business Insider, The 15 Most Bizarrely Unnecessary Sexy Halloween Costumes Of 2013.

Also watch The Daily Show, Sexy Halloween Costumes:

Friday, October 30, 2015

BREAKING NEWS, BREAKING NEWS! Are Gullible-Gallups and Zullo Going to Jail

UPDATE IX:  Not look good for Zullo as he finally realizes he's been play for a chump.

Read Obama Conspiracy Theories, No immunity for Zullo and Zullo plays for time.

UPDATE VIII:   What crime(s) is Zullo hiding?

Read Obama Conspiracy Theories, Mike Zullo takes the 5th.

UPDATE VII:  "In an angry rebuke, a judge on Friday ordered the U.S. Marshals Service to seize a collection of records from Sheriff Joe Arpaio's office and leveled harsh criticism at the sheriff's lawyers for failing to turn over documents that had been requested months ago in a racial profiling case.

U.S. District Judge Murray Snow's criticism centered on the agency's failure to hand over more than 1,400 identification documents in a related investigation into allegations that deputies pocketed items during busts.

The judge also focused on the agency's refusal to turn over 50 hard drives from Arpaio's secret investigation involving the judge. . .

Robert Warshaw, the official monitoring the sheriff's office for the judge, . . .

said the unit of the sheriff's office that stores evidence is a lockbox for keeping unflattering documents from public or court scrutiny. . .

Warshaw is examining allegations that members of Arpaio's immigration smuggling squad and other deputies regularly pocketed items from people during traffic stops and busts of safe houses used during smuggling. The judge has complained that Arpaio's office is conducting inadequate internal investigations of officer misconduct."

Read ABC News, Judge Chastises Arpaio's Lawyers for Withholding Records.

Imagine that ‘inadequate investigations’ by Sheriff Scooby-Doo and his gang.  Is anyone surprised?

UPDATE VI:  Were Zullo and Gullible-Gallups involved in a conspiracy to obstruct justice in Arizona?  We may soon find out. 

"[H]earings are back on schedule for the contempt proceedings against Sheriff Arpaio, and Deputy Sheridan:. That’s scheduled for September 22-25 and September 29-October 2. . .

Meanwhile the US Department of Justice moved to intervene in the Melendres case and Judge Snow granted their request for copies of the material supplied to Arpaio’s office by Dennis Montgomery. The DOJ ought to be very interested in the possibility that Montgomery absquatulated with secret CIA material, including harvested telecommunications metadata.

Right in the middle of what the Sheriff’s Office called the 'Seattle Operation' sits Mike Zullo who was one of the people babysitting Montgomery for Sheriff Joe, and involved in the email chain between Detective Mackiewicz, Larry Klayman and Dennis Montgomery that seems to contradict Arpaio’s claims under oath that he wasn’t targeting Judge Snow. This writer thinks that Zullo’s testimony is crucial in finding out whether Arpaio was up to his old tricks of investigating his enemies, and whether he lied about it to Judge Snow. Oooh, goody."

Read Obama Conspiracy Theories, Melendres case reignites: Will Zullo join Arpaio on the hot seat?

Now that DOJ is investigating, Zullo and Gullible-Gallups could easily find themselves charged as conspirators for obstructing justice in the Melendres v. Arpaio lawsuit. 

See 18 U.S. Code § 1503 and more specifically 18 U.S. Code § 1509 (Obstruction of court orders).

UPDATE V:  What proof did Montgomery offer of the CIA plot?

Can you believe 50-60 hard drives filed with recordings of the Al Jazeera network.

Read USA Today, Arizona sheriff spent $120K on probe targeting judge.

Read also the Phoenix New Times, Arpaio May Have Spent $1 Million in Pursuit to Disqualify Judge Snow.

In other words, Montgomery, a notorious scammer and con man, leveraged the biases and prejudices of his marks to convince them to pay him more than $100,000, and spend hundreds of thousands more in tax payer money.

These are the same people who are the leaders of the Birther movement.

Zullo and Gullible-Gallups, self-professed 'professionals', have been proven by their own ineptitude and stupidity, to be clowns, suckers, and bozos. They peddle lies and fear to desperate and angry people.  Zullo and Gullible-Gallups are nothing more than professional deceiver and con men.

Who would believe anything Arpaio, Zullo and Gullible-Gallups said?  Only fools!

Remember, how much time has past since the promised 'universe-shattering' revelations:

And there were the numerous other broken promises.

That sound you hear is the growing laughter at the Birther delusions.

Anyone who gave money to these bozos should sue!  (I think Zullo and Gullible-Gallups are stringing people along until the statute of limitations on fraud has expired.) 

UPDATE IV:  Apparently they believed their own BS.

Read Obama Conspiracy Theories,

Mike Zullo presents the "meatball hypothesis", which includes a transcript of the November 2013 Fact-Free Friday show when the Sheriff Scooby-Doo gang (including Zullo) first discussed and promised the 'universe-shattering' revelation(s) and Gullible-Gallups clearly confirms that he knew and believed the details of the so-called CIA plot revealed by notorious scammer, Dennis Montgomery;

Crazy in Arizona, which notes that with the Arpaio contempt hearing the "trunk of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s clown car is now open and all sorts of crazy stuff is coming out" and

Melendres status conference today: Judge could rule on Montgomery intervention, which notes how desperately Sheriff Scooby-Doo and his gang are trying to stop further revelations because:

"The Dennis Montgomery debacle is evidence that Joe Arpaio is gullible, and calls into question his judgment when evaluating evidence and sources, the same judgment skills he applied to Obama birth certificate claims and that ultimately led Arpaio to believe there was probable cause that Obama’s birth certificate was forged.

It could lead to more questioning relating to the Cold Case Posse, and possible revelations about money paid to Mike Zullo by the Department

Information detailing the Montgomery investigation could come to light that defines what the Cold Case Posse was actually doing, while allowing birthers to assume that they were pursuing Obama."

In summary, Zullo and Gullible-Gallups, self-professed 'professionals', have been proven by their own ineptitude and stupidity, to be clowns and suckers.

And these are the leaders of the Birther movement.

UPDATE III:  For more on 'Comrade Arpaio Stasi-like moves' and the "The Man Who Conned the Pentagon", read the Phoenix New Times, Arpaio Sought Assistance From Former AG Tom Horne's Office in Dealing With Confidential Informant.>.

The article notes that Montgomery has a "still-open superior court criminal case in Clark County, Nevada, where Montgomery was charged with multiple felony allegations from 2008 of allegedly passing bad checks."

Again, stupid is as stupid does.

UPDATE II: Pastor Gullible was very subdued on Fact-Free Friday, falsely denying he knew Montgomery, claiming the 'investigation is still ongoing, there are legal hurdles, connections and interconnections' to be made, and trying to pretend nothing was wrong. 

He also said that 'phone lines were open', but of course no calls were taken on the air.

His sycophant side-kick tried to claim the angry masses demanding release of the so-called investigation, as he has several times recently.

Of course, no dates were mentioned for any conference or news conference, because there is, and never was, anything to disclose except fraud by Pastor Gullible.

People are starting to realized that they've been had.

Anyone who donated money should sue.

UPDATE:  Also read the Phoenix New Times, Judge Snow Rips the Lid Off an MCSO Riddled With Corruption, Confirming My Reporting in the Process.

In brief, here is the story:

In August 2013,  someone sent Arpaio a Facebook message concerning an alleged 2012 conversation with the wife of Judge Snow, the federal judge assigned to the cases pending against Arpaio.  The judge's wife supposedly said that the Judge hated Arpaio and wanted Arpaio removed from office. 

Then in November 2013, Zullo and Gallups began promoting the 'universe-shattering information' that would dethrone Obama. 

That was when a notorious scammer, Dennis Montgomery, alleged "'that the CIA hacked into individual bank accounts' and that 'approximately 50,000 of them' were Maricopa County residents."  The CIA plot supposedly involved Arpaio's nemesis-es DOJ and federal judges. 

So the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office assigned several investigators to the so-called case and began "paying [Montgomery] as much as $10,000 a month . . . [and] purchased $50,000 worth of computer equipment for Montgomery."

Of course, "Arpaio was [just] up to his old tricks, attempting to conflict the judge, find dirt on him, and retaliate for adverse rulings."  Arpaio has a history of malfeasance, racial profiling, feuds with judges and County Supervisors, abuse of power, election law violations, misuse of funds, and even a staged assassination plot

He stays in office by
scamming and swindling to birthers for money and media attention.

These so-called law-enforcement professionals fell for Montgomery's con hook, line and sinker.  (Kinda scary to think they carry guns.)  Before it was done, the investigation "cost as much as $500,000 to $1 million" of Maricopa County taxpayer money.

Of course, there never was a CIA plot, and the judge's wife never made any such statement.

Some people are just desperate to hear what they want to hear.  That is how people get conned.

So now you know why there will never be any 'universe-shattering' revelation(s). 

And that is why Pastor Gullible (our Resident Pastor-to-the-Dictators (AKA Pastor Truthiness (formerly known as Pastor Poppins))) has quit talking about his birther fantasies.


It is hard to believe how stupid these people are.

OMG, is it true — after so many years of fantasies and delusions . . .

Will Sheriff Scooby-Doo and his gang (including Zullo and Gullible-Gallups, Arpaio’s enablers and co-conspirators) be going to jail?

What will Pastor Gullible say today on Fact-Free Friday?

Of course, I’m sure he will discuss this universes-shattering development in the investigation, NOT.

After you read the following, someone call in today and ask him to comment.

Read Obama Conspiracy Theories, Universe-shattering investigation revealed in court testimony Friday and Arpaio: perjury?

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Republi-CON Clowns and Jokers Make HRC Look Presidential (Thank God the End Is Near ;-)

UPDATE III:  Tired of the bozos getting all the attention and lovin, establishmnet candidates are readyto quit.

Read the Washington Post, The GOP candidates are mad as hell, and they’re not going to take it anymore.

UPDATE II:  "With Thursday's interminable, pointless, haranguing, disorganized, utterly amateurish attempt at a smear job, the Republicans and their tenth-rate congressional attack schnauzer, South Carolina's Trey Gowdy, got people feeling sorry for Hillary Clinton. Over the course of 11 long hours, they made the most eloquent argument for a Hillary Clinton presidency yet offered by anyone, including Clinton herself."

Read Rolling Stone, Trey Gowdy Just Elected Hillary Clinton President.

UPDATE:  "Apocalyptic rhetoric is more than the evidence of historical ignorance and bad speechwriting. It leads to a distorted politics. If the United States has reached its midnight hour, it means that the institutions that have gotten us here are utterly discredited. . .

Trump and Carson can succeed only if the end times are upon us. And I don’t mean that in a theological way. In normal times, innovative policy and governing skill would matter most in selecting a president. Successful governors and legislators would naturally rise to the top. Only in a crisis of institutional legitimacy does the outsider become the savior. This means Trump, Carson and other apocalyptic politicians must encourage a mental state of emergency among Republicans. Lacking any relevant qualifications in the current political system, these candidates must bring that system into complete disrepute. Since the politicians have made such a hash of things, they insist, a businessman or a neurosurgeon couldn’t possibly do worse.

Oh, yes they could."

Read the Washington Post, Why Trump and Carson want to bring about America’s apocalypse.

"You can choose from a litany of insurrections, government shutdowns and other self-inflicted wounds. But this year’s carnival-like GOP presidential primary makes one event, in retrospect, stand out as a crucial turning point on the road to upheaval: the 2008 embrace of then-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be a heartbeat from the presidency.

Palin’s blatant lack of competence and preparedness needs no belaboring. What’s critical is that substantive, serious Republican leaders either wouldn’t or couldn’t declare, before or after the election: “This is not what our party stands for. We can and must do better.”

By the campaign’s end, GOP operatives were shielding Palin from even the simplest questions. . .

[Then] Palin became a Fox News fixture, reinforcing the newly formed tea party’s 'never compromise' demands. Bombast, not reason, reigned. . .

Whether McCain actively sought Palin in 2008 or passively yielded to aides’ pressure, he set a new standard for GOP candidates who rely on lots of sizzle and little substance.

Once McCain put Palin on the ticket, Republican 'grown-ups,' who presumably knew better, had to bite their tongues. But after the election, when they were free to speak their minds, they either remained quiet or abetted the dumbing-down of the party. They stood by as Donald Trump and others noisily pushed claims that Obama was born in Kenya. And they gladly rode the tea party tiger to sweeping victories in 2010 and 2014.

Now that tiger is devouring the GOP establishment. . .

It’s hard to feel much sympathy. The Republican establishment’s 2008 embrace of Palin set an irresponsibly low bar. Coincidence or not, a batch of nonsense-spewing, hard-right candidates quickly followed, often to disastrous effect."

Read the Washington Post, The GOP’s dysfunction all started with Sarah Palin.

Read also the Washington Post, Republicans are ‘in denial’ about Hillary Clinton

Monday, October 26, 2015

Don't Ya Just Love Those Republi-CON Family Values

UPDATE IV:  "Five women are suing the Institute in Basic Life Principles, a radical Illinois-based Christian ministry that espouses a stringent patriarchal worldview, for permitting the systemic sexual abuse and harassment of its members.

The negligence suit comes more than a year after fundamentalist leader Bill Gothard resigned from his position as head of the organization after more than 30 women alleged that he harassed or molested them, some when they were minors.

In their lawsuit, the five plaintiffs claim that the Institute in Basic Life Principles acted with willful and wanton disregard for their well-being and conspired to cover up the allegations of abuse. . . conducting a bogus internal investigation of the abuse, for appearances only."

Read Slate, Five Women Sue Duggar-Connected Ministry for Sex Abuse Cover-Up.

See also Republi-CON Family Values, All In the Family Edition

UPDATE III:  BTW, the lawsuit "is searing in its criticisms of Doug Phillips. 'Phillips’s patriarchal movement teaches that men are, and should be, in the absolute control of women,' reads the complaint, claiming that Torres-Manteufel was therefore bullied into believing she had no choice but to submit to Phillips' alleged sexual abuse, even though she feared it made her 'damaged goods.'

In other words, women within this movement are perceived to exist only for the end-goals communicated by the male leaders that perceive themselves as the 'patriarchs' of this world,' the lawsuit reads. . .

The scandal around Phillips is just the latest in a long line of ugly shocks to the far Christian right that threaten to destabilize and possibly capsize the community. As The Wire reported in early March, Bill Gothard, the leader of the Institute in Basic Life Principles, resigned his position in the wake of a series of accusations of alleged sexual abuse from dozens of women in the organization. IBLP, like Vision Forum Ministries, is a major clearinghouse for adherents to Biblical patriarchy, teaching members to shun contraception, embrace extreme forms of female submission, and, of course, use homeschooling to shelter young people from the outside world.  Unsurprisingly, IBLP is also associated with the Duggar family, who participated in the organization’s many training seminars on embracing Biblical patriarchy and who called Gothard their 'number one recommended resource' for family advice. He has exerted political influence in other ways, as well, befriending Sarah Palin and bringing her in for his International Association of Character Cities conference.

Similarly, both Bob Jones University and Patrick Henry College—schools that were established in no small part to give these homeschooled and sheltered kids from far Christian right backgrounds a place to go to college—have been at the center of accusations of indifference and even of allegedly covering up reported sexual abuse on campus. BJU received a lot of heat when they fired an outside firm that had been brought on to investigate accusations of sexual abuse, only to rehire them when it looked like they were punishing the firm for being too thorough in exposing the problem. Patrick Henry College was the recent target of an exposé in The New Republic that explored how young women who brought sexual abuse complaints to the school were frequently drummed out of the college or made to felt that they had somehow brought the abuse on themselves.

The 'pitch' of Biblical patriarchy, as epitomized by Michelle Duggar, is that women will be coddled and worshipped in exchange for giving up their ambitions and the autonomy to practice an extreme form of female submission. The unpleasant truth is that a culture that teaches that women are put on earth for no other purpose but to serve men is not going to breed respect for women. Instead, these incidents show a world where men believe they can do whatever they want to women without repercussions. Is it any surprise that a subculture that promises absolute control over women will attract men who want to dominate and hurt women? Don’t believe the TLC hype. Biblical patriarchy is a sour, dangerous world for women, and luckily, that reality is finally being outed."

Read The Daily Beast, Sex Scandal Rocks The Duggars’ Christian Patriarchy Movement.  

UPDATE II:  On the issue of using religion and sex, meet Douglas Phillips, friend of the Duggar family and former "president of the extreme Christian right group Vision Forum Ministries, [who] admitted to, in his words, having 'a lengthy, inappropriate relationship with a woman.' . .

Phillips resigned in October, but now it seems that his public pronouncement regarding that 'inappropriate relationship' may have seriously downplayed what actually happened. Lourdes Torres-Manteufel, who says she was the woman Phillips confessed about, is now suing Phillips and Vision Forum for what she alleges was an abusive and manipulative relationship that caused her serious mental harm and distress."

The link is to the lawsuit, which describes something much worse, including sexual assault and battery under the guise of religion.

Read Slate, Woman Sues Christian Right Leader Douglas Phillips for Alleged Sexual, Mental Abuse.

Apparently Phillips has a history of "Ecclesiastical Tyranny and Abuse".

UPDATE:  The staffer is/was the wife of a "high school pal and campaign donor of McAllister's . . .she started working for McAllister the day after he won his seat.

Her husband, Heath Peacock, said McAllister 'has wrecked my life' and that he and his wife are 'headed for divorce.' He also claimed that, by the way, McAllister faked his devotion to religion to win votes."

Read CNN, Congressman a kissing hypocrite.

And guess who was "'removed from the payroll' within the 24 hours after their embrace was exposed"? Hint, it wasn't the Republi-con CONgressman.

"Just four months on the job, U.S. Rep. Vance McAllister, R-Swartz, has landed himself in hot water after a video surfaced Monday purportedly showing Louisiana's newest congressman kissing a married staffer."

He had won a special election to Congress in November, campaigning on 'Faith, Family, and Hard Work'

Read The Times-Picayune, Vance McAllister on video showing kiss with staffer: 'I've fallen short and I'm asking for forgiveness'

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Republi-CON Epiphany - Their Party if a Fraud!

"The Republicans advocating for continued scorched earth tactics aren’t incompetents. They’re frauds. And from their point of view, they actually are getting the results they want. They get to continue telling the story they want to tell."

Read the Washington Post, Freedom Frauds.

The article references The New York Times, The Republicans' Incompetence Caucus, which notes that:

"Over the past 30 years, or at least since Rush Limbaugh came on the scene, the Republican rhetorical tone has grown ever more bombastic, hyperbolic and imbalanced. Public figures are prisoners of their own prose styles, and Republicans from Newt Gingrich through Ben Carson have become addicted to a crisis mentality. Civilization was always on the brink of collapse. Every setback, like the passage of Obamacare, became the ruination of the republic. Comparisons to Nazi Germany became a staple.

This produced a radical mind-set. Conservatives started talking about the Reagan 'revolution,' the Gingrich 'revolution.' Among people too ill educated to understand the different spheres, political practitioners adopted the mental habits of the entrepreneur. Everything had to be transformational and disruptive. Hierarchy and authority were equated with injustice. Self-expression became more valued than self-restraint and coalition building. A contempt for politics infested the Republican mind. . .

This anti-political political ethos produced elected leaders of jaw-dropping incompetence. Running a government is a craft, like carpentry. But the new Republican officials did not believe in government and so did not respect its traditions, its disciplines and its craftsmanship. They do not accept the hierarchical structures of authority inherent in political activity.

In his masterwork, 'Politics as a Vocation,' Max Weber argues that the pre-eminent qualities for a politician are passion, a feeling of responsibility and a sense of proportion. A politician needs warm passion to impel action but a cool sense of responsibility and proportion to make careful decisions in a complex landscape.

If a politician lacks the quality of detachment — the ability to let the difficult facts of reality work their way into the mind — then, Weber argues, the politician ends up striving for the 'boastful but entirely empty gesture.' His work 'leads nowhere and is senseless.'

Welcome to Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and the Freedom Caucus.

Really, have we ever seen bumbling on this scale, people at once so cynical and so naïve, so willfully ignorant in using levers of power to produce some tangible if incremental good? These insurgents can’t even acknowledge democracy’s legitimacy — if you can’t persuade a majority of your colleagues, maybe you should accept their position. You might be wrong! . .

These insurgents are incompetent at governing and unwilling to be governed. But they are not a spontaneous growth. It took a thousand small betrayals of conservatism to get to the dysfunction we see all around."

See also 2008 Told Ya So: Republi-CON Can't Govern (But HRC Showed She Can).

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

2008 Told Ya So: Republi-CON Can't Govern (But HRC Showed She Can)

UPDATE VI:  "If you had to bet $100 on any single person to win the 2016 general election — to win $100 if you guess correctly — every rational gambler would chose Clinton."

Read the Washington Post, The math is clear: Hillary Clinton has better odds of becoming president than anybody else — by far.  

UPDATE V:  "Before all the craziness — before Donald Trump and Ben Carson and the need for two-tiered debates — Republicans’ biggest fear about next year’s election was having to run against Hillary Clinton. As we saw Tuesday night, they were right to worry."

Read the Washington Post, The GOP was right to fear Clinton.

UPDATE IV:  After the first Democratic presidential primary debate, Republi-cons should worry that 2016 is lost.

"Her experience and self-assurance in a setting where she has found herself dozens of times put her in command as she and her four lesser-known rivals for the Democratic nomination stood side by side for the first time. . .

Clinton appeared to be -positioning herself for a general-election campaign against whichever Republican emerges from that party’s nomination brawl."

Read the Washington Post, A self-assured performance by Clinton in Democratic presidential debate.

UPDATE III:  "House Republicans face a fateful choice — and not just over who will be their next speaker. It is a choice about whether they want to be a realistic, governing entity or a bomb-throwing band of purists that will, inevitably, hurt the party’s prospects not only for retaining the current GOP majorities in the House and Senate but for retaking the White House as well.

Based on the current evidence, the answer may well be the latter: bomb-throwing purists, at least among enough of the majority to prevent Republicans from functioning."

Read the Washington Post, Why would Paul Ryan want to be speaker?

UPDATE II:  "The question for House Republicans — and again, Gowdy hit the nail on the head — is what rock bottom looks like. Rock bottom at the presidential level for the party came in 1964 when Barry Goldwater won the Republican nomination but proved too conservative for the country as a whole and won only 52 electoral votes against Lyndon Johnson.

Given how heavily gerrymandered most House districts are, it's hard to imagine House Republicans suffering broad-scale electoral losses (or losing control of the majority) before the national redrawing of congressional lines in 2021. The one thing I can imagine that might meet the standards of 'rock bottom' is if Ryan decides not to run for speaker and what follows is a protracted, nasty fight — the result of which is some sort of power-sharing deal within the GOP or, even more remarkably, with Democrats.

Those scenarios — especially a power-sharing deal with Democrats — seem very unlikely to me, which may mean that House Republicans are still a ways from rock bottom. But even if they haven't bottomed out just yet, that doesn't mean there is anyone in the party who can lead it in its current form. There isn't."

Read the Washington Post, Trey Gowdy is right. The House is basically ungovernable.

UPDATE:  The Republi-con party "brought this upon itself with phony promises and incendiary but empty rhetoric."

Read the Washington Post, How Kevin McCarthy predicted his own demise.  

As I first said in 2008:

Fear, Anger, and Hatred, a great election strategy for the Republi-cons, just not a very effective governing philosophy.

Read the Washington Post, Washington finally figures out that congressional GOP is disastrously broken., which notes that "John Boehner himself identified exactly what drives the party’s right flank, suggesting that conservative Republicans whip people 'into a frenzy' by promising things 'they know are never going to happen.' Such as using the debt limit to bend Obama and Dems to their will."

Read also the Washington Post, Kevin McCarthy falls to a conservative coup, which alludes to the alleged affair by McCarthy.

Go The Donald, Go!

And because Obama has no backbone, here's hoping that Republi-con will call their own bluff:

I dare ya, I double dare ya, to shutdown the government and default. 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Why I Support Trump

UPDATE II:  Why do Republi-cons support Franken-Trump/Trumpenstein's (©

"We like people who talk big.

We like people who tell us that our problems are simple and easy to solve, even when they aren't.

And we don't like people who don't look like us."

Read the Washington Post, I asked psychologists to analyze Trump supporters. This is what I learned.

UPDATE:  "Two authoritative chroniclers of 20th-century American populism and race, Alan Brinkley of Columbia and David Blight of Yale, dismissed the parallels [to Father Charles Coughlin (the radio-savvy populist demagogues of the Great Depression),  Huey Long,  Joseph McCarthy, Hugo Chávez, “that avatar of white-racist resentment, George Wallace”, or even Ross Perot]. Brinkley, the author of the definitive book on Long and Coughlin (Voices of Protest), said Trump was a first in American politics, a presidential candidate with no 'belief system other than the certainty that anything he says is right.' Blight said Trump’s 'real antecedents are in Mark Twain' — in other words, fictional characters, and funny ones.

There is indeed a lighter way to look at Trump’s rise and his impact on the country. Far from being an apocalyptic harbinger of the end-times, it’s possible that his buffoonery poses no lasting danger. Quite the contrary: His unexpected monopoly of center stage may well be the best thing to happen to our politics since the arrival of Barack Obama.

In the short time since Trump declared his candidacy, he has performed a public service by exposing, however crudely and at times inadvertently, the posturings of both the Republicans and the Democrats and the foolishness and obsolescence of much of the political culture they share. He is, as many say, making a mockery of the entire political process with his bull-in-a-china-shop antics. But the mockery in this case may be overdue, highly warranted, and ultimately a spur to reform rather than the crime against civic order that has scandalized those who see him, in the words of the former George W. Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson, as 'dangerous to democracy.'"

Read New York Magazine, The importance of Donald Trump, which keen observes:

"What has made him more entertaining than his peers is not his superficial similarities to any historical analogues or his shopworn celebrity. His passport to political stardom has been his uncanny resemblance to a provocative fictional comic archetype that has been an invigorating staple of American movies since Vietnam and Watergate ushered in wholesale disillusionment with Washington four decades ago. That character is a direct descendant of Twain’s 19th-century confidence men: the unhinged charlatan who decides to blow up the system by running for office — often the presidency — on a platform of outrageous pronouncements and boorish behavior. Trump has taken that role, the antithesis of the idealist politicians enshrined by Frank Capra and Aaron Sorkin, and run with it. He bestrides our current political landscape like the reincarnation not of Joe McCarthy (that would be Ted Cruz) but of Jay Billington Bulworth.

Trump’s shenanigans sometimes seem to be lifted directly from the eponymous 1998 movie, in which Warren Beatty plays a senator from California who abandons his scripted bromides to take up harsh truth-telling in rap: 'Wells Fargo and Citibank, you’re really very dear / Loan billions to Mexico and never have to fear / ’Cause taxpayers take it in the rear.' Bulworth insults the moderators of a television debate, addresses his Hollywood donors as 'big Jews,' and infuriates a black constituent by telling her he’ll ignore her unless she shells out to his campaign. Larry King, cast as himself, books him on his show because 'people are sick and tired of all this baloney' and crave an unplugged politician who calls Washington 'a disaster.'

Trump also sounds like Hal Phillip Walker, the unseen candidate of the 'Replacement Party' whose campaign aphorisms percolate throughout Robert Altman’s post-Watergate state-of-the-union comic epic, Nashville (1975). His platform includes eliminating farm subsides, taxing churches, banning lawyers from government, and jettisoning the national anthem because 'nobody knows the words, nobody can sing it, nobody understands it.' (Francis Scott Key was a lawyer.) In résumé and beliefs, Trump is even closer to the insurgent candidate played by Tim Robbins and reviled as 'a crypto-fascist clown' in the mockumentary Bob Roberts (1992) — a self-congratulatory right-wing Wall Street success story, beauty-pageant aficionado, and folksinging star whose emblematic song is titled 'Retake America.' Give Trump time, and we may yet find him quoting the accidental president played by Chris Rock in Head of State (2003): 'If America was a woman, she would be a big-tittied woman. Everybody loves a big-tittied woman!'

Thanks to Trump, this character has leaped off the screen into real life, like the Hollywood leading man in Woody Allen’s The Purple Rose of Cairo. As a human torpedo blasting through the 2016 campaign, Trump can inflict more damage, satirical and otherwise, than any fictional prototype ever could. In his great comic novel of 1959, The Magic Christian, Terry Southern anticipated just the kind of ruckus a Trump could make. Southern’s protagonist is a billionaire named Guy Grand who spends his fortune on elaborate pranks to disrupt almost every sector of American life — law enforcement, advertising, newspapers, movies, television, sports, the space program. Like Trump, he operates on the premise that everyone can be bought. In one typical venture, he pays the actor playing 'an amiable old physician' on a live network medical drama a million bucks to stop in mid-surgery and tell the audience that if he speaks 'one more line of this drivel,' he’ll 'vomit right into that incision I’ve made.' The network, FCC, and press go into a tizzy until viewers, hoping to see more such outrages, start rewarding the show with record ratings.

There have already been some modest precedents for Trump’s real-life prank — most recently, Stephen Colbert, who staged a brief stunt run for president in 2007. The comic Pat Paulsen, a Smothers Brothers acolyte, ran for president intermittently from 1968 into the ’90s, aiming to call attention to the absurdity of politics. His first run was under the banner of the STAG (Straight Talking American Government) Party; later, he ran consecutively as a Republican and a Democrat. ('I like to mix it up,' he explained.) Paulsen came in a (very) distant second to Bill Clinton in the 1996 New Hampshire primary, one of four primaries where he qualified for the ballot that year. But a judge threw him off the ballot in California, declaring, 'I do not want to reduce the campaign for an important office like president of the United States to some kind of farce.'

Some kind of farce, nonetheless, is just what the modern presidential campaign has devolved into. By calling attention to that sorry state of affairs 24/7, Trump’s impersonation of a crypto-fascist clown is delivering the most persuasively bipartisan message of 2016. . .

Trump does take heretical economic positions for a Republican — “The hedge-fund guys are getting away with murder!” — but on the matters of race, women, and immigration that threaten the GOP’s future viability in nonwhite, non-male America, he is at one with his party’s base. What he does so rudely is call the GOP’s bluff by saying loudly, unambiguously, and repeatedly the ugly things that other Republican politicians try to camouflage in innuendo, focus-group-tested euphemisms, and consultantspeak.

In reality, Trump’s most noxious views have not only been defended by conservative stars like Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and late summer’s No. 1 best-selling nonfiction author, the radio host Mark Levin, but also by the ostensibly more “mainstream” Republican candidates. Trump is picking up where his vocal fan Sarah Palin left off and is for that reason by far the favored candidate of tea-party Republicans, according to a Labor Day CNN-ORC poll. Take Trump’s peddling of 'birtherism,' for instance. It’s been a right-wing cause since well before he took it up; even Mitt Romney dipped into that racist well in 2012. It took a village of birthers to get Republicans to the point where only 29 percent of them now believe that Obama was born in America (and 54 percent identify him as a Muslim), according to an August survey by Public Policy Polling. Far from being a fake Republican, Trump speaks for the party’s overwhelming majority. . .

What’s exhilarating, even joyous, about Trump has nothing to do with his alternately rancid and nonsensical positions on policy. It’s that he’s exposing the phoniness of our politicians and the corruption of our political process by defying the protocols of the whole game. . .

It’s as if Trump were performing a running burlesque of the absurd but intractable conventions of presidential campaigns in real time. His impact on our politics post-2016 could be as serious as he is not. Unsurprisingly, the shrewdest description of the Trump show’s appeal has come from an actor, Owen Wilson. “You can’t help but get a kick out of him,” he told the Daily Beast, “and I think part of it is we’re so used to politicians on both sides sounding like actors at press junkets — it’s sort of by rote, and they say all the right things. So here’s somebody who’s not following that script. It’s like when Charlie Sheen was doing that stuff.” As Wilson says, for all the efforts to dismiss Trump as an entertainer, in truth it’s his opponents who are more likely to be playacting, reciting their politically correct and cautious lines by rote. The political market for improvisational candor is as large as it was after Vietnam and Watergate, and right now Trump pretty much has a monopoly on it. . .

The best news about Trump is that he is wreaking this havoc on the status quo while having no chance of ascending to the presidency. You can’t win the Electoral College in 2016 by driving away women, Hispanics, blacks, and Asian-Americans, no matter how large the margins you pile up in deep-red states. . .

The one thing Trump never does is go quietly, and neither will his followers. As Ross Douthat, a reform conservative, wrote in August, Trump has tapped into the populist resentments of middle-class voters who view the GOP and the elites who run it as tools of 'moneyed interests.' If the Republicans 'find a way to crush Trump without adapting to his message,' he added, the pressure of that resentment will keep building within the party, and 'when it bursts, the GOP as we know it may go with it.'

Even if this drama does not play out to the convention, the Trump campaign has already made a difference. Far from being a threat to democracy or a freak show unworthy of serious coverage, it matters because it’s taking a much-needed wrecking ball to some of what has made our sterile politics and dysfunctional government as bankrupt as Trump’s Atlantic City casinos. If that’s entertainment, so be it. If Hillary Clinton’s campaign or the Republican Party is reduced to rubble along the way, we can live with it. Trump will not make America great again, but there’s at least a chance that the chaos he sows will clear the way for those who can."

Because Palin is not running.

Read also, the Washington Post, 7 honest-to-goodness arguments for supporting Donald Trump

Thursday, October 15, 2015

More Republi-CON "Family Values" Hypocrisy

UPDATE XI:  For a summary of Republi-con "family values" hypocrisy during the 1990, read Slate, It's Truly Amazing How Hypocritical and Dishonest America's Leaders Were in the 1990s.

UPDATE X:  Just another family values Republi-con hypocrite.

Read the Daily Mail, Did rumors of love affair between Kevin McCarthy and a married congresswoman torpedo his elevation to House speaker? Internet goes berserk with guesses while alleged mistress denies it all.

Read also New York Magazine, How the Media Is Handling Kevin McCarthy’s Rumored Affair.  

UPDATE XI: Apparently "McMillin resigned as an assistant prosecutor in Montgomery County, Ohio, in 2005 after he had a romantic relationship with a victim in a domestic violence case he was prosecuting."

Read the Daily Mail, Married father-of-four Indiana Republican lawmaker abruptly resigns 'to spend more time with his family' after explicit sex video was sent from his phone.

Actually the next article makes it sounds more like rape by coercion.

And the article notes that a man, his wife and unborn child were killed when McMillin engaged in "a dangerous driving 'game'."

Read The Bilerico Project, Indiana's Jud McMillin: A Tale of Glass Houses & Rocks.

UPDATE X:  "An Indiana lawmaker has abruptly resigned after a sex video was reportedly discovered on his phone.

Rep. Jud McMillin, the second-highest ranking Republican in the state's House of Representatives, stepped down Tuesday a week after he sent a bizarre text message to several people apologizing for 'anything offensive' they may have received from his stolen phone.

The 38-year-old Brookville, Indiana legislator said in a statement he was quitting after five years in office to spend more time with his family, Fox 59 reported."

Read New York Daily News, Rep. Jud McMillin abruptly resigns from Indiana House after sex video emerges.

So many family values hypocrites, so little time.

UPDATE IX:  This "married father of five [with an Ashley Madison account in which he said that he loved ' to have fun, in and out of bed'] has worked on all of his brother's campaigns since high school and donated millions of dollars to the Republican party."

Name this 'family values' hypocrite.

Hint: he "made $60million in 2000 when his trading company was sold - but became the subject of an SEC investigation in 2003 . . . [and while h]is former firm was accused of cheating clients out of millions of dollars . . . no criminal charges were brought against" him.

Need another hint: read the Daily Mail, Chris Christie's brother had Ashley Madison account where he wrote he wanted to 'bring some more spice into his life' and would 'try most anything once' - and met one woman online he had sex with 'a dozen times'.

UPDATE VIII:  What God said to the hypocrite:

UPDATE VII:  Another example of Republi-con hypocrisy.

She was divorced in 1994, 2006 and 2008, and "gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband.  Their father was identified as her third husband, according to court records."

Now God speaks to her.

Read the Daily Mail, Revealed: Kentucky clerk refusing to issue gay marriage licenses has been married FOUR times and gave birth to twins out of wedlock.

UPDATE VI:   The title of the article says it all.

Read the Daily Mail, Pastor of Christian rehab program treating Josh Duggar was jailed for sex with an underage girl in his cabin during a church conference after telling her 'God approves'.

UPDATE V:  Read Wonkette, Josh Duggar In Sex Rehab Again, Because Check Out What He Did To This Porn Star.

UPDATE IV:  Duggar's real sin  -- his "work was focused on fighting the legalization of same-sex marriage. He's anti-choice and has fought against transgender rights. He’s even used his own marriage as a cudgel to bully gay people for being different:

[Instagram post with caption "Marriage = Man + Woman. I'm glad to support the corporate leaders defending traditional values! #Chickfila"]

In other words, he’s spent his life trying to stop people from making the best personal choices they can for themselves and their families. . . [while] attacking the private and yes, moral choices other people make about their own lives just because those choices conflict with his religious dogma."

Read Slate, Josh Duggar’s Apology Shows He’s Learned Nothing.

UPDATE III:  "Josh Duggar has confessed to cheating on his wife Anna amid reports he signed up for Ashley Madison, a website that specializes in facilitating extramarital affairs."

Read People, Josh Duggar Admits Infidelity and Pornography Addiction: 'I Have Been the Biggest Hypocrite Ever'.

Read also these prior posts: More Republi-CON Family Values, Republi-con Family Values, Exposing Republi-CONism, Republi-CON Family Values Hypocrisy, NAIVE-ocrat and Republi-CON Family Values Hypocrisy, Cont., More Republi-CON Family Values Hypocrisy, More of Those Republi-CON and So-Call Christian Family Values, Republi-CON Family Values in Wisconsin, Republi-CON Personalized Lawmaking is Cheap, Don't Ya Just Love Those Republi-CON Family Values, Don't Ya Just Love Those Republi-CON Family Values and Republi-CON Family Values, All In the Family Edition.

UPDATE II:  "Earlier this year, Missouri state House Speaker John Diehl, a Republican, resigned after it was revealed that he was sexting with a legislative intern. Diehl, who held himself out as an anti-gay and anti-choice family values conservative, was caught exchanging texts with the college freshman that had such bons mots in them as, 'Will have my way with you' and 'And leave you quivering,' which were obtained from her phone, where the intern had Diehl listed as 'Frank Underwood.' . .

As reported by the Kansas City Star, two of his fellow Republicans immediately chimed in, insisting that the real solution here is to start measuring hemlines."

Read Slate, Missouri Legislature Rejects Idea to Respond to Sexual Misconduct With an Intern Dress Code.

UPDATE:  Sorry, the false flag operation was just an effort to evaluate and expose his blackmailer and fight the "establishment machine.".

Read The Detroit New, Courser responds, says he was exposing blackmailers, which includes a comment from a fellow Republican who said Courser is "a man who never passes on an opportunity to preach about his supposed morals and his close relationship with God, constantly evoking religion in his personal and political stances."

"A Michigan state representative distributed a fake e-mail that suggested he had sex with a male prostitute so he could hide his relationship with another Republican state representative who is also a home-schooling mom, according to the Detroit News. Both lawmakers are Christian conservatives who frequently refer to their faith.

State Rep. Todd Courser, a married father of four, said in an audio recording that the e-mail was intended to create a 'complete smear campaign' of false claims so that a public revelation about his relationship with state Rep. Cindy Gamrat would seem 'mild by comparison.'

The Detroit News interviews suggested that the freshman representatives used their taxpayer-funded offices to maintain and cover up their relationship. The newspaper describes the two as 'socially conservative legislators who often invoke their Christian faith in pursuit of new legislation governing gun rights, abortion and marriage.' They found support through tea-party activism and formed their own legislative coalition.

Read the Washington Post, Politician reportedly leaked fake male prostitution e-mails to hide his real affair.

This story give new meaning to Republi-con coalitions.  ;-)

Read also Wonkette, Christian Teabagger Reps Have Terrific Plan To Hide Real Affair, With Pretend Gay Hooker Scandal, which notes the hypocrisy of the holier-than-thou Republi-cons "whose careers are built on regurgitating bumper stickers from 'the Bible' . . . if you’re impeaching the president for getting some extramarital knob-polishing, while you are doing the very exact same thing. Or if you are writing amicus love notes to federal courts demanding the preservation of traditional boy-on-girl marriage, while you are sexting a college intern who is not your wife. Or if you give speeches about how consenting adults who love each other are a danger to children, but you have a history of finger-banging your own very young sisters. Or if a thousand other examples we could easily provide for you, but you’re smart enough to get the point."

BTW, Courser often declared his 'Christian' religion and close relationship with God to the voters and still proclaims that "God brought me here and had me here and maybe it hasn’t accomplished anything but I have to believe it has done some good [in spite] of me."

Again I ask, why are Republi-cons such suckers for snake oil salesmen?

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The "Republi-CONs Are Better for the Economy" Myth

UPDATE:  "Since the Second World War, the economy has done better when Democrats are in the White House . . .

Read the Washington Post, Hillary Clinton was right: The economy has done better under Democrats.

The chart below shows that the economy under Carter did better than under any Republi-con president since WWII, even better than under Reagan.

Trump is right when he says that "the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. . .

Here's a chart showing the average rate of economic growth under each president since the Second World War, taken from a recent paper by Princeton University economists Alan Blinder and Mark Watson. They note that when a Democrat was in the Oval Office, the average rate of growth was 4.4 percent. Under Republicans, the average rate was just 2.5 percent.

It's not just broad measures of economic growth, either, Blinder and Watson observe. Industrial production increased at an average rate of 5.6 percent under Democrats, compared to 1.8 percent under Republicans. The unemployment rate under Republicans averaged 6 percent, compared to just 5.6 percent under Democrats. The average return on the stock market has been 8.1 percent under Democrats, and 2.7 percent under Republicans.

Inflation is only measure by which the economy's performance under Democratic and Republican presidents is more or less equal. Prices have increased an average rate of 3 percent under Democrats, compared to 3.3 percent under Republicans — not a significant difference.

You might be thinking that even if the economy as a whole does worse under Republican presidents, the wealthy do better, since Republicans tend to favor low-tax policies on the wealthy. That's not true either, though.  As the political scientist Larry Bartels shows in this chart, things have been better for Americans under Democrats, now matter how much money you make.


Read the Washington Post, Rand Paul is attacking Donald Trump for making a 100% true statement about the economy

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Get Ready for Some Republi-CON Budget Hypocrisy

UPDATE IV:  "Sen. Lindsey Graham is asking for federal aid for his home state of South Carolina as it battles raging floods, but he voted to oppose similar help for New Jersey in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy in 2013."

Read CNN, Graham opposed Sandy aid but wants help in South Carolina.

UPDATE III:  First make "lots of speeches about how wonderful it is", then pass "a non-binding but politically charged measure that promises a balanced federal ledger in 10 years", "then adjourned for a two-week break".

Actual budget cuts -- NONE.

Read NPR, Ryan Budget Vote Produces 'Win' For Both Parties and ABC News, House Passes Ryan Budget With [With Promises to Make Future] Big Cuts

UPDATE II:  In 2010, she supported a plan that "would have taken over 30 years to balance the budget", but now demands that the budget be balanced today, without, of course, explaining how to do it.

Read Slate, Sarah Palin, Paul Ryan, and the Clash of Cynicisms.

Only in Republi-con-stan.

UPDATE:  More Republi-con budget hypocrisy, this time a phony vote to "avert for one year the planned cuts to doctor payments", part of those phony Republi-con budget cuts:

For backgroung, read Talking Points Memo, House Abruptly Passes Medicare Pay Fix By Voice Vote, which stated:

After temporarily recessing the House, GOP leaders emerged from a closed-door meeting and called up the bill for a voice vote. A recorded vote can be demanded by one-fifth of members present in the chamber, but such an objection wasn't mounted. So the bill was subsequently declared passed."

As you could tell, the "'no' votes clearly outmatched the 'ayes.' [Tennessee Republi-con John] Duncan gaveled in the 'ayes' anywayway, proclaiming that, sure, they had amounted to the 2/3 needed for passage."

Read Slate, Watch the House Gavel in a Basically Phony "Aye" Vote for Medicare Money.

"Oklahoma has one of the most conservative congressional delegations of any state: seven Republican men, including fierce advocates for cutting federal spending.

Five of those seven voted no in January on a bill to provide $50 billion in disaster funding for states hit by Hurricane Sandy."

Read the Washington Post, Conservative Okla. lawmakers face dilemma: Will they support tornado relief funding?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The End of the World, Again, Cont.

UPDATE VII:  "Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again." ~William Shakespeare

Read the Washington Post, Why the group eBibleFellowship believes the world will be annihilated today

Read also the Daily Mail, Don't make any plans for Thursday: Christian doomsday group predicts world will be 'destroyed by fire' tomorrow.

UPDATE VI:   Doesn't look like Hurricane Joaquin is God's wrath upon Obama in Washington DC after all.  How could that be after yesterday's prediction?

Does God have bad aim? Or is Carl's God just inept?  Or perhaps Carl doesn't actually know God, he is listening to Satan.  Which is it?

Maybe Imam Truthiness (formerly known as Pastor Truthiness and Pastor Poppins) can explain.

UPDATE V:  The clock (below) now counts the time since Imam Truthiness (formerly known as Pastor Truthiness and Pastor Poppins) and his sidekick's September 2015 'Blood Moon' end of the world.

UPDATE IV:  Now our local Imam Truthiness (formerly known as Pastor Truthiness and Pastor Poppins) and his sidekick say the end is near -- in December, as evidenced by the news de jour.

Today's claim is that Hurricane Joaquin is God's wrath upon Obama in Washington DC because of gay rights, or Israel, or whatever.

Don't forget to buy the book you sheeple!

Read also The End of the World is Near, Again.And I might add again and again and again . . .

Why are Republi-cons such suckers for snake oil salesmen

UPDATE III:  Read also the Washington Post, Despite this mysterious theory, world survives supermoon eclipse.  

UPDATE II:  Did the world end yet?

Read Slate, Mormon Leaders Reassure Faithful: Sunday’s “Blood Moon” Isn’t Sign of Apocalypse, which notes the appeals for calm made through the state's major newspaper. and TV.

UPDATE:  "There will be blood in September -- literally, according to the Internet postings of end-times believers.

The night of September 27-28 will bring a 'blood moon.' To skywatchers, it simply refers to the copper color the moon takes on during an eclipse, but to some Christian ministers, the fourth and final eclipse in a tetrad -- four consecutive total lunar eclipses, each separated by six lunar months -- fulfills biblical prophecy of the apocalypse. (The first three in the series took place April 15, 2014; October 8, 2014; and April 4, 2015.) . .

[These] assertion was quickly debunked by scientists and skeptics. . .

The astronomical site added that tetrads, of which there have been 62 since the first century, follow natural cycles and are easily calculated. Moreover, three of the four most recent eclipses were not visible in Israel itself. 'What good is a blood moon if God's chosen can't see it?' wrote Seidensticker.)"

Read CNN, Blood moon has some expecting end of the world.

More claims of the end times by our local Imam Truthiness (formerly known as Pastor Truthiness and Pastor Poppins).

Despite the failure in April 2014 of the universe shattering, now we have predictions of the end times in September 2015.  Here is the countdown to the end of the month:

Read also The End of the World is Near, Again.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Doing the Devil's Work and Supporting Middle East Dictators

UPDATE V:  "A new book detailing the brutal torture and murder meted out by the regime of President Bashar al-Assad serves as a harrowing reminder of the true nature of the man Russia is now fighting for and wants the West to prop up."

Read the Daily Mail, 'People had deep cuts, some had their eyes gouged out, their teeth broken': New book reveals the grotesque torture and murder meted out by Syrian dictator Assad – the man Russia's Putin is helping to keep in power.  

WARNING; The article includes graphic photos.

UPDATE IV: I heard our resident Pastor-to-the-Dictators supporting Middle East dictators again. I wonder how he can call himself a Christian but defend "hundreds of killings, arrests and torture cases by the government of President Bashar al-Assad."

Read The New York Times, Syrian Official in Hama Resigns to Protest Bloodshed.

I guess it is all part of his religious mythology.

UPDATE III: When you hear our resident Pastor-to-the-Dictators and other so-called Christians bemoan the threat to Israel from the unrest in Syria, ask them if they know the story of 15-year-old Tamer Mohammed al-Sharei, who refused "interrogators demand . . . [to] proclaim strongman Bashar Assad as his 'beloved' president." Instead al-Sharei "chanted an often-heard slogan from anti-regime street protests calling for 'freedom and the love of God and our country.'" His reward:Link

"Inside a filthy detention center in Damascus, eight or nine interrogators repeatedly bludgeoned a skinny teenager whose hands were bound and who bore a bullet wound on the left side of his chest. They struck his head, back, feet and genitals until he was left on the floor of a cell, bleeding from his ears and crying out for his mother and father to help him."
Read the Washington Post, Witness saw teen severely beaten in Syrian jail for failing to praise president.

Support of evil, brutal dictators is no long-term solution for peace in the Middle East.

UPDATE II: When you hear our resident Pastor-to-the-Dictators and other so-called Christians bemoan the threat to Israel from the unrest in Syria, ask them if they know the story of Hamza Ali al-Khateeb.

"He was the 13-year-old Syrian boy who tagged along at an antigovernment protest in the town of Saida on April 29. He was arrested that day, and the police returned his mutilated body to his family a month later. While in custody, he had apparently been burned, beaten, lacerated and given electroshocks. His jaw and kneecaps were shattered. He was shot in both arms. When his father saw the state of Hamza’s body, he passed out."

To learn more, read The New York Times, The Depravity Factor, which notes that Middle East peace "cannot be found without acknowledging and wrestling with a government’s moral character."

Support of evil, brutal dictators is no long-term solution.

UPDATE: More fact-free fantasies! Is there any need to respond to his statement today, which a guest of his made on a past show, that the Earth's rotation creates oil deposits?

Pastor Truthiness (formerly known as Pastor Poppins) is at it again, preaching fear anger and hatred with fact-free fantasies, but don't be duped.

Yesterday he was bragging that he is always right and challenged callers to cite otherwise. A few of his usual sycophants to flatter him and agree with him. I called to prove he is a fraud and he refused to take the call.

Of course, he denied the missile nonsense, and never discussed his prior claims that God talks through an oil well.

It is impossible to discuss his birther delusions. (It is clear that he hasn't even read the Congressional Research Service that would agree that Obama is a "natural born citizen," (the Congressional Research Service is a part of the Library of Congress, providing professional, objective and non-partisan public policy research to members of Congress and their staffers. The writer of the memorandum is a qualified constitutional attorney who has summarized the historical and legal material with references, showing, by contrast, how shoddy the birther arguments are) (this memorandum explains why even Republi-CON Congressmen/women refuse to join the Birthers), and he hasn't talked to Barbara Nelson, who "specifically remembers his birth" because she spoke with the obstetrician who delivered [Obama] shortly after his birth.)

And he continues his slander by innuendo, one example -- Michelle Obama did not surrender her license to practice law, another example -- denying the theory of evolution.

But lately he has been weaving a myth to link Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood. (During his first effort he couldn't even pronounce Mubarak's name correctly.)

His support of Middle East dictators and summary police executions for the benefit of his religious myths is the clearest indication that the devil resides in his heart and works his magical tongue to mislead you regarding the real reason for the Egyptian uprising: Khaled Said, 28, who was beaten to death by Egyptian police in June 2010:

"Police officers at an Internet cafe below his apartment were exchanging a video that showed officers divvying up seized narcotics and cash. Relatives think the clip was delivered via Bluetooth to Said's computer by accident. The young man shared it with friends, who forwarded it to others.

Two of the detectives implicated in the video approached Said outside his building, in the Sidi Gaber district of Alexandria, about noon June 6. One grabbed him by the shoulder and hauled him inside the Internet cafe.

The officers smashed Said's head against a marble table repeatedly, until the owner of the shop asked them to take it outside. They then dragged Said inside a nearby building where the two kicked him and smashed his head against stone steps, witnesses later told relatives.

The next day, Said's mother was notified that her son was at the morgue. The cause of death, she was told, was severe cardiovascular asphyxiation caused by a high level of drugs in his system. The initial police report received by the family said Said had apparently died after he swallowed a bag that contained marijuana.

Finding that account suspicious, relatives bribed a guard at the morgue to take a photo of the corpse. It showed Said's skull had been cracked and his face disfigured.

After local prosecutors expressed little interest in pursuing the case, Kassem, who was a father figure to Said, began holding news conferences. Said's cousins created a page on Facebook to expose what they called police brutality.

"Since last June, the Khaled Said Facebook page has attracted more than 473,000 members and has become a tool not only for organizing the protests but also for providing regular updates about other cases of police abuse. "

Their efforts to expose police brutality took hold after the Tunisian uprising, which "started when a young merchant, Mohamed Bouazizi, set himself on fire after the police confiscated his produce cart Dec. 14, 2010. Following that, demonstrations, riots and strikes constituted the most dramatic wave of social and political unrest in Tunisia for the past three decades."

Those who support Middle East dictators and summary police executions do the devil's work.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

And the Banksters Lived Happily Ever After (Screwing You)

"What's the problem with having banks that are "too big to fail"?

You could answer this question with a long and technical history of how governments and taxpayers bailed out financial institutions during the Great Recession to ensure that their frailties didn't wreck the economy for everyone else. And how the financial crisis led to financial mergers and acquisitions that, in the end, just made these banks bigger.

Or you could read this eight-frame comic by Zach Weinersmith of Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, which gives a pretty accurate description."

See the cartoon at the Washington Post, A hilarious cartoon captures what went wrong with Wall Street.