It is an old cliché, but true nevertheless, a picture is worth a thousand words. Case in point, the death of Neda (WARNING, the video contains images that some might find particularly disturbing):
So is that why Obama doesn't want to release 'the photos.' Read The New York Times, Neda, Obama and the Power of Pictures.
And read a couple of related posts, if you dare:
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Is It Reform Not-Good-Enough-to-Work?
The stimulus bill, environmental legislation (cap & trade), and possible health care reform got you confused. Read The New York Times, Vince Lombardi Politics, to understand why Democrats seem open to nearly any idea so long as it will lead to passing legislation, perhaps at the expense of passing sensible legislation.
Then read The New York Times, Not Enough Audacity, in which one editorial writer worries that the many compromises to get legislation passed may doom it to failure and discredit any future efforts. "[T]he perfect is the enemy of the good; but so is the not-good-enough-to-work . . . reform has to be done right."
Then read The New York Times, Not Enough Audacity, in which one editorial writer worries that the many compromises to get legislation passed may doom it to failure and discredit any future efforts. "[T]he perfect is the enemy of the good; but so is the not-good-enough-to-work . . . reform has to be done right."
Friday, June 26, 2009
So Many Lies, So Little Integrity
Pastor Poppins sub'ed for me as host of the Friday show and mentioned the latest internet myth -- that Obama prohibited Naval Academy graduates from wearing swords at their graduation last month. The myth can probably be traced to gossip in the Washington Times.
Only problem, it is not true. Read this article from the Annapolis newspaper, The Capital, Obama bans mids' swords at graduation - not! The article states that "swords have not been worn by midshipmen at graduations for some considerable time." I agree, I graduated in 1981 and we didn't wear swords. There were restriction on items that could be brought to graduation, as usual, and the list included "[o]utside food or drink."
So many lies, so little integrity. But what do you expect from a Republi-con.
Which brings me back to Pastor Poppins, someone wrote a letter to the editor which was printed in the June 25, 2009 edition of the local mullet wrapper. I couldn't find it online but here is what was said:
Unfortunately Bob, there is another explanation. Some people are so blinded by hate they are confused by facts and logic. And although Pastor Poppins, AKA Carl Gallups, claims to be a man of God, the devil has blinded him, so that now he is a true brither.
Understand, I have no problem with a lively discussion and debate about the issues, but lies and illogic only serve to undermine credibility.
I suggest praying that God will open Pastor Poppins' eyes so that he may see the futility in his evil rhetoric. Until then, call in and tell him why he is wrong.
Only problem, it is not true. Read this article from the Annapolis newspaper, The Capital, Obama bans mids' swords at graduation - not! The article states that "swords have not been worn by midshipmen at graduations for some considerable time." I agree, I graduated in 1981 and we didn't wear swords. There were restriction on items that could be brought to graduation, as usual, and the list included "[o]utside food or drink."
So many lies, so little integrity. But what do you expect from a Republi-con.
Which brings me back to Pastor Poppins, someone wrote a letter to the editor which was printed in the June 25, 2009 edition of the local mullet wrapper. I couldn't find it online but here is what was said:
Stealth supports
I think WEBY radio's morning talk show hosts, Mike Mashburn and Carl Gallups, are probably plants put there by the Obama administration.
I think I've figured what's going on with these two. The purposely go so far over the top with their goofy criticisms of Obama because they know that will make the audience think those opposed to Obama are just a bunch of eccentrics and it will actually serve to garner support for Obama.
I don't think there can be any other explanation for it.
-- Bob Wood, Pensacola
Unfortunately Bob, there is another explanation. Some people are so blinded by hate they are confused by facts and logic. And although Pastor Poppins, AKA Carl Gallups, claims to be a man of God, the devil has blinded him, so that now he is a true brither.
Understand, I have no problem with a lively discussion and debate about the issues, but lies and illogic only serve to undermine credibility.
I suggest praying that God will open Pastor Poppins' eyes so that he may see the futility in his evil rhetoric. Until then, call in and tell him why he is wrong.
Sub Today at NoBullU on WEBY
Usually on Fridays you can listen to me, the voice of wisdom and reason in a wilderness of partisan rhetoric -- no political insanity, no conservative hypocrisy, no liberal foolishness -- just straight talk, straight at you, and that’s no bull!!
However, I can't make it today but I hear that Pastor Poppins will substitute. Maybe he can comment on the Pastor who invited "his congregation of 150 and others to wear or carry their firearms into the sanctuary to “celebrate our rights as Americans!” as a promotional flier for the “open carry celebration” puts it" and on the ensuing debate.
However, I can't make it today but I hear that Pastor Poppins will substitute. Maybe he can comment on the Pastor who invited "his congregation of 150 and others to wear or carry their firearms into the sanctuary to “celebrate our rights as Americans!” as a promotional flier for the “open carry celebration” puts it" and on the ensuing debate.
Sub Today at NoBullU on WEBY
Usually on Fridays you can listen to me, the voice of wisdom and reason in a wilderness of partisan rhetoric -- no political insanity, no conservative hypocrisy, no liberal foolishness -- just straight talk, straight at you, and that’s no bull!!
Unfortunately I can't make it today, but I hear that Pastor Poppins will substitute. Until the next show, post a comment or two.
Unfortunately I can't make it today, but I hear that Pastor Poppins will substitute. Until the next show, post a comment or two.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Why Did We Invade Iraq, Cause the Saudis Financed Terrorism
Doesn't make sense, but read The New York Times, Documents Back Saudi Link to Extremists.
Actually, we all help finance terrorism and dictatorships. Read The New York Times, The Green Revolution(s), which argues that Iranian reformers need praise and empty rhetoric, they need the United States to end its dependency on the oil that finances Middle East dictatorship.
Of course, Bush wouldn't want to hurt his long time Saudi kissing buddies:
Actually, we all help finance terrorism and dictatorships. Read The New York Times, The Green Revolution(s), which argues that Iranian reformers need praise and empty rhetoric, they need the United States to end its dependency on the oil that finances Middle East dictatorship.
Of course, Bush wouldn't want to hurt his long time Saudi kissing buddies:
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Welcome to the New Location
Welcome to the new location.
It is the same great blog, just a new web address.
It is the same great blog, just a new web address.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Sub Today at NoBullU on WEBY
Usually on Fridays you can listen to me, the voice of wisdom and reason in a wilderness of partisan rhetoric -- no political insanity, no conservative hypocrisy, no liberal foolishness -- just straight talk, straight at you, and that’s no bull!!
But I can't make it today so hopefully Mike or Ken will substitute. Until the next show, post a comment or two.
But I can't make it today so hopefully Mike or Ken will substitute. Until the next show, post a comment or two.
Not So Lite Summer Reading
UPDATE: And for a good movie, based on a true story, about a corporation trying to stick it to the little guy, watch Flash of Genius, which tells the stroy of Robert Kearn, inventor of the intermittent windshield wiper.
It has a happy ending, sort of.
Looking for a good book to read during the summer, then consider the books mentioned in this article, The New York Times, Greed Layered on Greed, Frosted With Recklessness, about the economic mess and the causes, including greed of course.
Tammy, let us know what you think.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Flyswatter-in-Chief
Obama is no Budda. Watch:
Or if you like your news with a little, or a lot, of humor, then watch:
And believe it or not, PETA is upset about it. Read The Virginia-Pilot, PETA wishes Obama hadn't swatted that fly.
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Or if you like your news with a little, or a lot, of humor, then watch:
And believe it or not, PETA is upset about it. Read The Virginia-Pilot, PETA wishes Obama hadn't swatted that fly.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Torture/Enhanced Interrogation Demonstration
UPDATE: For more about what the government does in the name of 'freedom,' read the decision issued late Friday allowing a civil lawsuit by Jose Padilla to go forward against former Bush administration lawyer, John Yoo, who wrote memos which purported to justify "gross physical and psychological abuse at the hands of federal officials as part off a systematic program of abusive interrogation intended to break down Mr. Padilla’s humanity and his will to live.”
Padilla v. Yoo, Order Denying Motion to Dismiss
Are you ready yet Eric?
In recent weeks at NoBullU on 1330 AM WEBY we have discussed whether the techniques the U.S. used constituted torture or just simple enhanced interrogation. In one radio program I argued with Eric, a caller who denied that waterboarding and other methods, including 10+ days of sleep deprivation, confinement in a small enclosed dark space with insects, exposure to freezing temperatures and very,very cold water while naked, and/or prolonged restraint in stress positions, were torture.
It would be ironic that these methods which were copied from a 1957 USAF study of Chinese Communist techniques used during the Korean War to obtain false confessions, except for the fact that these methods were used because Cheney wanted false confessions linking Iraq to 9/11 in order to justify the invasion.
During the discussion, I challenged Eric, a life long Republi-con party member, to submit himself to these techniques. I would prove that after a short period of time I could force him to swear loyalty and allegiance to the Naive-crats and Reed and Pelosi.
Eric has accepted the challenge, and as soon as I find volunteers who were instructors in military SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) programs and are trained in these methods, and Eric signs a liability release that includes an acknowledgment of the possibility of death, the demonstration will begin.
In the meantime Eric, in order to help you prepare if you think you could, watch the following:
After the demonstration with Eric, I'll be ready to issue the challenge to Rusty and Sheepish.
If you are a former SERE instructor and would like to volunteer for this demonstration, please contact me.
Unhappy 40th Anniversary?
It has been 40 years since the start of the 'war' on drugs. Is it time to try an alternate strategy? Read The New York Times, Drugs Won the War.
Think of other things that once were illegal, and are now revenue sources, like playing the numbers and gambling. Bought a lottery ticket or been to a casino lately?
Think of other things that once were illegal, and are now revenue sources, like playing the numbers and gambling. Bought a lottery ticket or been to a casino lately?
Friday, June 12, 2009
Sub Today at NoBullU on WEBY
Usually on Fridays you can listen to me, the voice of wisdom and reason in a wilderness of partisan rhetoric -- no political insanity, no conservative hypocrisy, no liberal foolishness -- just straight talk, straight at you, and that’s no bull!!
But I can't make it today so Mike will substitute. Until the next show, post a comment or two.
And watch the Baby Boomer Battle Hymn, it is funny:
Must of us don't like getting older, but it beats the alternative.
But I can't make it today so Mike will substitute. Until the next show, post a comment or two.
And watch the Baby Boomer Battle Hymn, it is funny:
Must of us don't like getting older, but it beats the alternative.
Republi-Con Treason
Why would a Republi-con Congressman tell Chinese officials "the budget numbers that the U.S. Government has put forward should not be believed."
Don't forget that the executive director of the Beijing Private Equity Association and a director of the China National Association of International Studies, has already demanded "inflation-protection measures for China’s existing investments in America, and [requested] additional security or collateral for its continued investments. America should also provide its largest creditor with greater transparency and information."
Because he wants to bankrupt the country for the benefit of his political party.
So who is the real un-American?
Don't forget that the executive director of the Beijing Private Equity Association and a director of the China National Association of International Studies, has already demanded "inflation-protection measures for China’s existing investments in America, and [requested] additional security or collateral for its continued investments. America should also provide its largest creditor with greater transparency and information."
Because he wants to bankrupt the country for the benefit of his political party.
So who is the real un-American?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Is NW Florida Going Nuclear?
Didn't we discuss this on the show several months ago? Read, Possible Nuclear Plant? Gulf Power Continues To Buy North Escambia Property.
If NW Florida develops a nuclear program, will there be international sanctions?
If NW Florida develops a nuclear program, will there be international sanctions?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Contempt of Court or Contempt For God?
UPDATE IV: An interesting development in the matter, a teacher threatened to sue the Santa Rosa County School Board for violation of his First Amendment rights after "he and other teachers were prohibited [by the School Board] from participating in the private baccalaureate services that were scheduled to occur on Sunday evening, May 31, 2009, and would be terminated if they chose to do so." Read the Santa Rosa Press Gazette, ADF represents Jay Teacher in discrimination case.
It doesn't seem to me that it is a discrimination case as much as a First Amendment case.
And BTW, the School Board decided that the teacher was right and that the Board could not prohibit "district employee from attending or participating in the baccalaureate, or any other religious service or event, while on their own time and in their personal capacities."
UPDATE III: Everyone is trying to spin this story, even Pastor Poppins, AKA Carl Gallups, on WEBY last week. Now read WorldNetDaily, Graduating students defy ACLU.
The article is misleading. The ACLU never tried to prevent students from praying. The lawsuit was aimed only at stopping school officials from leading the students in religious activity.
UPDATE II: Who is wrong here, the school board in its interpretation of the consent decree, or the Principal who is defying his boss? Read the consent decree below and then at the Pensacola News Journal, Pace principal: We won't back down.
Doesn't sound to me like the Principal is setting a good example for the students. But he is getting close to retirement, so maybe he just wants to be the next Roy Moore.
UPDATE: Read the Pensacola New Journal, Superintendent Wyrosdick has a very big problem.
First the lawsuit and settlement.
Then the protest.
Now defiance.
Is it contempt of court, or contempt for God? Read original and follow-up posts (with links to court documents), and then these documents, and decide:
The consent decree and order:
Consent Decree and Order
Publish at Scribd or explore others:
The ACLU motion for contempt:
Motion for Order to Show Cause Why the Court Should Not Find Contempt
And exhibit:
Motion for Order Ot Show Cause Why the Court Should Not Find Contempt, Exhibit 86-02
The School Board's response:
SRCSB Response to Motion for Order to Show Cause Why the Court Should Not Find Contempt
And exhibit:
SRCSB Response to Motion for Order to Show Cause Why the Court Should Not Find Contempt, Exhibit
What do you think?
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Operation Iraqi Shtick
Must see TV, Stephen Colbert declares victory:
Then gets a hair cut by Gen. Odierno, the commander of the American troops in Iraq:
A week of shows will be/were taped as part of USO shows in Iraq. Watch the highlights.
I wonder if the suit will catch on.
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
The Word - Why Are You Here? | |||| | ||||
Then gets a hair cut by Gen. Odierno, the commander of the American troops in Iraq:
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Obama Orders Stephen's Haircut - Ray Odierno | |||| | ||||
A week of shows will be/were taped as part of USO shows in Iraq. Watch the highlights.
I wonder if the suit will catch on.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Sub Today at NoBullU on WEBY
Usually on Fridays you can listen to me, the voice of wisdom and reason in a wilderness of partisan rhetoric -- no political insanity, no conservative hypocrisy, no liberal foolishness -- just straight talk, straight at you, and that’s no bull!!
But I can't make it today so Mike will substitute. Until the next show, post a comment or two.
But I can't make it today so Mike will substitute. Until the next show, post a comment or two.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Republi-Cons Warp the Public Debate
Fear, anger, and hatred are powerful weapons. Read the Washington Post, Rush and Newt Are Winning.
More Republi-Con Inspired Violence
UPDATE: More on why FOX News is responsible for a murder, allegedly on behalf of God, in a house of worship. Read the Washington Post, Why I Turned Down O'Reilly.
Fear, Anger, Hatred + Talk Radio & FOX News = Violence
For another example, read The New York Times, Doctor’s Killer Is Not Alone in the Blame, Some Say.
For Republi-cons, like other zealots, abortion doctors are fair game.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Republi-Con Funny Values
It is official, Cheney supports gay marriage, but only because he sees marriage as a form of torture.
Hard as it might be to believe, only the last part is the joke. Watch:
Hard as it might be to believe, only the last part is the joke. Watch:
Obama Man Can Continued
UPDATE: Here is an argument that the GM bailout won't work. Read The New York Times, The Quagmire Ahead, which argues convincingly that while the Obama plan for General Motors is bureaucratically smart and financially tough-minded, it won’t revolutionize the company’s corporate culture and will likely make things worse.
From the Washington Post, After Many Tuneups, A Historic Overhaul:
"In the space of five head-spinning months, the economic downturn and a few strong-willed financial officials in the Obama administration have done what legions of car executives, consultants and policymakers had failed to do in three decades: overhaul the U.S. car industry."
The auto industry 'restructuring' will be part of Obama's historic legacy -- good or bad as it may be. It will make an interesting comparison to his predecessor's historic legacy.
A Republi-Con Filibuster Rally
Sometimes, a picture is worth a thousand words:

A party of angry white men isn't much of a party.

A party of angry white men isn't much of a party.
UPDATE: Read the Washington Post, GOP Faces Demographic Dilemma and The New York Times, The Howls of a Fading Species.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Fighting Mother Nature
Speaking of mother nature, read the Pensacola News Journal, Flouting Nature.
Replacing sand washed away from barrier islands during storms is a waste of taxpayer money.
Nearly everyone around these parts claims to be conservative, but I hardly think a true-red conservative would approve of throwing money at and into the ocean like this. Just one more example of the Republi-con ideology at work.
Replacing sand washed away from barrier islands during storms is a waste of taxpayer money.
Nearly everyone around these parts claims to be conservative, but I hardly think a true-red conservative would approve of throwing money at and into the ocean like this. Just one more example of the Republi-con ideology at work.
Federal Deficit and Debt,
NW FL Area,
Caution, Don't Be Stupid
Should government officials interfere with mother nature's law of survival of the fittest? Read the Washington Post, What Not to Do with a Dead Bat, and you'll know what I mean.
Give new meaning to the saying, stupid is as stupid does.
Give new meaning to the saying, stupid is as stupid does.
Potato Chips of the World Unite Against Tax and Spend Judicial Activism
How dare they call Pringles potato chips. Read The New York Times, The Lord Justice Hath Ruled: Pringles Are Potato Chips.
It is outright judicial activism to advance tax and spend socialism. We know how Sotomayor would rule, don't we. I bet that she would even cite the British case.
It is outright judicial activism to advance tax and spend socialism. We know how Sotomayor would rule, don't we. I bet that she would even cite the British case.
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