Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bush's Legacy

UPDATE II: As I have said before, while Clinton was a great Republican president, in the sense that he united and strengthened the Republi-con party, Bush was a great Democratic president.

The Republi-cons "overreached in interpreting the results of the presidential election of 2004 as a mandate for the party. This resulted in the disastrous elections of 2006 and 2008, which combined for a total loss of 51 Republicans in the House and 13 in the Senate — with a corresponding shift of the Congressional majority and the White House to the Democrats." So says one of the few remaining moderate Republicans. Read The New York Times, We Didn’t Have to Lose Arlen Specter.

Then read the Washington Post, Arlen Specter's Switch for first thoughts by politicians, strategists and political observers. With the exception of Gingrich, the consensus is that the switch does not bode well for Republi-cons.

All hail Bush, God's chosen one to destroy the evil Republi-con party and savior of the Naive-crats.

UPDATE II: From the Washington Post, Arlen Specter's Switch and GOP's Identity Crisis:
"Specter's move is about his own political survival. . .

But there is also something to Specter's public explanation of his decision: "Since my election in 1980, as part of the Reagan Big Tent, the Republican Party has moved far to the right. Last year, more than 200,000 Republicans in Pennsylvania changed their registration to become Democrats. I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans."

Moderates like Specter have been run out of what, as November's election showed, has become a niche regional party in thrall to its far right wing. Just take a look at this map that illustrates how votes shifted between the 2004 and 2008 presidential elections."

If you were a contrarian, you might argue that this is good news for the Republi-cons. Read the Washington Post, Good News for Republicans! Maybe it is good news for the Republi-cons, maybe they are delusional, only time will tell.

One Republi-con has had enough, rumor has it that Senator Arlen Specter will change party affiliation to Democrat AKA Naive-crat. Thanks to Bush the Republi-cons are most a party of angery, old, white guys in the South.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cheney for President

It is too bad Cheney didn't run for president in 2008, it would have put a stake through the heart of the Republi-con ideology. Read The New York Times, Cheney for President, which notes that:

"At the very least, a Cheney-Obama contest would have clarified conservatism’s present political predicament. In the wake of two straight drubbings at the polls, much of the American right has comforted itself with the idea that conservatives lost the country primarily because the Bush-era Republican Party spent too much money on social programs. And John McCain’s defeat has been taken as the vindication of this premise.

We tried running the maverick reformer, the argument goes, and look what it got us. What Americans want is real conservatism, not some crypto-liberal imitation."

Maybe Cheney will run in 2012! Imagine, Palin/Cheney, wouldn't that be a dream ticket, for the Naive-crats that is.

Kiss a Sick Person Today, It Might Save Your Life Tomorrow

You may want to get the flu now, while it is mild, because you'll have immunity if a deadlier form develops. Read The New York Times, Where Will the Swine Flu Go Next? As the article notes, past well-known flu pandemics seem to have come in waves, the second wave generally being the deadliest.

Of course, you can wait and hope an effective vaccine is developed.


Fear, Anger, Hatred + Talk Radio & FOX News = Violence

Two deputies were shot on Saturday in Fort Walton Beach. (I actually saw a bit of the response. I was driving to a local soccer tournament when a patrol car came around the corner with lights flashing and siren blaring, nearly out of control. It was about 1 p.m. and he was likely responding to the shooting.) The wife of the man who shot the deputies said that "her husband believed that the US Government was conspiring against him. She said he had been severely disturbed that Barack Obama had been elected President."

The local paper, the Northwest Florida Daily News, wrote an article titled 'None of it makes sense'. But the shooting does make sense, and you can thank your local Republi-cons.

The Republi-cons have a great election strategy, FEAR, ANGER and HATRED, although as Bush showed, it has proven to be a less than successful governing strategy. It has proven to lead to violence.

This is one example.

And only one county over a man shot five Chilean students, killing two. A neighbor of the shooter recalls him (the shooter) asking "if I was ready for the revolution to begin and if I had any immigrants in my house to get them out." Thanks again Republi-cons.

The local affiliate for the Republi-con fear, anger and hatred, NewTalk 1260 WFTW, with the regulars promoters of the same: Rusty, Sheepish, and Stupid (respectively Rush, Hannity, and Savage).

The area votes overwhelmingly Republi-con.

There has also been an Obama sign war brewing in the county, before the last election someone burned Obama signs, and since the local paper thinks it newsworthy to report on every anti-Obama sign.

Of course the influence of talk radio reaches beyond NW FL. In Pittsburgh, a man shot three police officers. He "had been upset about losing his job and feared the Obama administration was poised to ban guns." Another right-wing media myth perpetuated by talk radio with help from FOXNews, and the NRA.

Another example, in Tennessee a man went on a fatal shotgun rampage in a church "prompted by a hatred of liberalism and Democratic leaders who have hamstrung the nation's war on terror."

As the Rwandan Genocide showed, the news media can incite and fuel violence.

So thanks to the Republi-cons, it all makes sense. The equation is Fear, Anger, Hatred + Talk Radio & FOXNews = Violence.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Don't Judge a Person By Her Appearance

UPDATE II: Snap judgments can be wrong, but scientists say they're only natural. Read The New York Times, Yes, Looks Do Matter.

UPDATE: Should Boyle get a makeover and cash-in? Read the Washington Post, Susan Boyle Makeover Would Add Grace Notes.

"Don't judge a book by its cover" is a metaphorical phrase which means don't determine the worth of something based on its appearance.

But conservative columnist George Will, thinks you should judge a person who wears denim as shabby. Read the Washington Post, Denim Demon, in which he writes:

"Denim is the infantile uniform of a nation in which entertainment frequently features childlike adults ('Seinfeld,' 'Two and a Half Men') and cartoons for adults ('King of the Hill'). Seventy-five percent of American 'gamers' -- people who play video games -- are older than 18 and nevertheless are allowed to vote."

Wills goes on to say that he thinks we should all dress like Fred Astaire, except the womenfolk, of course, who should dress like Grace Kelly. I suppose he would endorse a dress code for the voting booth.

But forgive Will, he is just picking up where Daniel Akst left off in his opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal, Down With Denim, in which he writes:

"Although a powerful force for evil, denim has achieved a status that will come as no surprise to fashion historians. Like camouflage fabric, aviator sunglasses and work boots, blue jeans were probably destined for ubiquity thanks to an iron-clad rule of attire adoption. "The sort of garments that become fashionable most rapidly and most completely," Alison Lurie reminds us in "The Language of Clothes," "are those which were originally designed for warfare, dangerous work or strenuous sports.""

Sounds like these two conservatives don't like being seen in the company of fellow shabby Republi-cons, who generally wear denim, camouflage fabric, aviator sunglasses and/or work boots.

Juxtapose those opinions endorsing the idea to judge people by their appearance with Susan Boyle. When

"the frizzy-haired, squarely built Boyle walked onto the stage of "Britain's Got Talent" to barely suppressed snickers from the audience and skeptical eye rolls from Cowell, the unfailingly caustic judge on both "American Idol" and the British TV show.

The audience laughed mercilessly as Boyle did a saucy hip wiggle and said she'd like a chance to prove she could be as good as Elaine Paige, a legendary singer often called the first lady of British musical theater.

Those present were clearly prepared to howl.

Then Boyle opened her mouth."

You might say that "all that is gold does not glitter." Close your eyes and listen.

So the next time you hear a hypocritical Republi-con spew forth fear, anger, and hatred, tell him to read Matthews 7:1, "Judge not, that ye be not judged."


You might also reference:

Luke 6:37
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned.

Luke 6:41 "Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?

Romans 14:10 But you, why do you judge your brother? Or you again, why do you regard your brother with contempt? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God.

Romans 14:13 Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this-- not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block in a brother's way.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Class Today at NoBullU on WEBY

Listen to the voice of wisdom and reason in a wilderness of partisan rhetoric -- No political insanity, no conservative hypocrisy, no liberal foolishness -- Just straight talk, straight at you, and that’s no bull!!

NoBullU will broadcast today from 4:05 to 6 p.m. at 1330 AM WEBY and on line, courtesy of Cyber Smart Computers.


Local and state: 'Pensacola Jeff' will be a guest at 4:35 p.m.; and

Nation and international: is it EIT (enhanced interrogation tehniques) or just torture by another name; the New York bankers' coup d'état; and judge not.

But I'll discuss anything. (Disclaimer: the host reserves the right to end any discussion and hang up on you.)

So tune-in, call-in, but only if you can handle the truth!

WARNING: You may not want to call in if you have veritasphobia, especially if you are a certain veritasphobic politician.

Not All Republi-Cons are Delusional

Many Republi-cons seem delusional nowadays, but not all. Read the Washington Post, True Confessions From the Trail.

Obama Thinks You are Stupid

UPDATE II: Did you know that Bush funded an "education policy attaché" based in Paris, whose annual salary, housing allowance and business expenses exceed $630,000? It will be one of the 'symbolic' budget cuts. Read the Washington Post, President's Critics See a Dull Knife.

UPDATE: Conservative columnist George Will notes that $100 million is "about 13 minutes of federal spending, and 0.0029 percent -- about a quarter of one-hundredth of 1 percent -- of $3.5 trillion. The title of his column in the Washington Post sums it up well, Obama's Budget Follies.

In a worthless gesture you might expect from a Republi-con, Obama has given his Cabinet 90 days to cut $100 million from the federal budget. Read AP, Obama's latest budget-tightening effort hardly makes a dime's worth of difference.

$100 million just ain't what it used to be.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

To Bow or to Kiss, What Should a President Do?

Everyone is upset that Obama bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia:

But personally, I prefer that to holding hands and kissing the King:

Of course, maybe Bush and the King had a bromance.

So what should a President do, bow or kiss?


I vote none of the above.

Who Needs the Truth When You Have Right-Wing Media

UPDATE: 'Pensacola Jeff' will be a guest tomorrow at 4:35 p.m. at NoBullU on WEBY.

BTW, a bit of triva, 'Pensacola Jeff' is a trivia master. He was a 2007 Jeopardy Tournament of Champions wildcard semifinalist. So get those answers ready, and lets see if he know the questions.

A couple of blurbs about right-wing media, and the truth:


"The Virginian-Pilot reports that retired Rear Adm. Lou Sarosdy denies that he wrote a wide-circulated email that criticizes President Barack Obama for not authorizing the military to act more aggressively during the stand-off, which ended with snipers killing three Somali pirates. The e-mail claims that Obama rejected two proposed rescue plans and that Phillips was saved only after naval officers at the scene decided on their own to proceed."

And 'Pensacola Jeff': One brave soul speaks the truth, and is greeted by boos, at teabagging party in Pensacola, FL.

Is 'Pensacola Jeff' the new Joe the Plumber? Watch the MSNBC video where he preaches the truth to the disbelieving Republi-cons:

Pensacola Jeff has a blog.

I'll try to get him as a guest for the next show.

How to Tell the Sex of a Fly

From an email:

A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking around with a fly swatter

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Hunting flies" he responded.

"Oh! Killing any?" she asked.

"Yep, 3 males, 2 females,' he replied.

Intrigued, she asked "How can you tell them apart?"

He responded, "3 were on a beer can, 2 were on the phone."

Too cute.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

An Impressive Weapon in the War Against the Middle Class

Want to know why most stuff is manufactured in China? There are over 1.3 billion people who want your job, and they are willing to work for a fraction of the average American wage.

And how are those goods transported to America? The Emma Maersk.

Some stats:

Country of origin - Denmark
Length - 1,302 ft
Width - 207 ft
First Trip - Sept. 08, 2006
Construction cost - US $145,000,000+
Engine - 14 in-line cylinders diesel engine (110,000 BHP)
Cruise Speed - 31 knots
Crew - 13 people
Typical Pacific transit time - 4 days
Net cargo - 123,200 tons, approx. 15,000 containers

Silicone painting applied to the ship bottom reduces water resistance and saves 317,000 gallons of diesel per year.

This is how Wal-Mart gets all its stuff from China.

According to an email I received "almost all of these containers are shipped back to China EMPTY! You heard that right. We send nothing back on most of these ships. What does that tell you about the current financial state of this country!"

As I said before, this decade may prove to be America's zenith. I predict that the economic mess will be the event leading to the emergence of Chinese economic and military dominance.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Class Today at NoBullU on WEBY

Listen to the voice of wisdom and reason in a wilderness of partisan rhetoric -- No political insanity, no conservative hypocrisy, no liberal foolishness -- Just straight talk, straight at you, and that’s no bull!!

NoBullU will broadcast today from 4:05 to 6 p.m. at 1330 AM WEBY and on line, courtesy of Cyber Smart Computers.


Local and state: Sansom indicted, now he should resign from office; and

Nation and international: told ya so, Navy Seals to the rescue, taxes; is it EIT (enhanced interrogation tehniques) or just torture by another name; the New York bankers' coup d'état; and judge not.

But I'll discuss anything. (Disclaimer: the host reserves the right to end any discussion and hang up on you.)

So tune-in, call-in, but only if you can handle the truth!

WARNING: You may not want to call in if you have veritasphobia, especially if you are a certain veritasphobic politician.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mike & Bert's Coming Out

UPDATE: Maybe Mike & I just have a bromance. Watch this and you'll know what I mean:

NOTE: The audio segment from Friday's show will be ready and posted soon. Check back later if you missed it -- it was hilarious.

The emails, in chronological order:

Mike wrote:

"Is Barack Obama's Momma In Nude Porn Pictures?

Some photos have been making their rounds on the internet that claim to be nude shots of Barack Obama's mom. Those photos are attached.

One photo is of the Obama family. Look closely at is his mom so you can compare her face to the face in the porn photos.

It's amazing what can be done these days with PhotoShop. So these may very well be fakes. But the sites I have been to to research this allegation claim the photos are authentic, and that it really is Obama's momma (Stanley Ann Dunham). Snopes lists it as "undetermined."

I seek only the truth. Sooner or later a listener will call me on the air and bring this up. I'd like to respond with a well-documented, or at least well-researched, answer.

Do you have any information on this that I can use to prove or disprove the allegations that Obama's momma posed for nudie shots that are now circulating on the web?


[EDITOR'S NOTE: I have not included the photo of Stanley Ann Dunham. Are they relevant to the discussion?]

Bert wrote:

"I would think that something like this is below even Republi-con low standards for newsworthiness. But I guess there is no shame for the sake of the party."

Mike wrote:

"I seek only the truth.

And if you read it through to the end (if you could keep your eyes off Obama's momma long enough to read my entire text), you would notice that I am seeking information to DISPROVE the allegation that those titties belong to Obama's momma."

Bert wrote:

"And on my next show I will seek information to DISPROVE the allegation that you are a homosexual wife beater."

Mike wrote:

"That would be understandable if photos existed showing me engaged in homosexual behavior or wife-beating.

This is not made of whole cloth. In fact, if you look closely, it appears that "Obama's momma" is not wearing any cloth at all!"

The photo showing Mike engaged in homosexual behavior, with me (!?!), and disclosed to me during the final segment of the show Friday:

On Taxes

Taxes, everyone hates them, but wants something from the government.

After you have prepared your tax return and finished with your local AstroTurf tax protest, sponsored no doubt by your local Republi-con party, read these articles:

The New York Times, Taxing, a Ritual to Save the Species,

The New York Times, Tax Revolts: Some Succeed, Most Don’t, and

The New York Times, Gorging the Beast, in which the writer argues that Obama seems to be trying to do too much at once, spending too much money without making the tough decisions about how to pay for it all. She also includes An Ode to Taxes:

Oh, little tax return form
No longer are you sad and lorn.
Fly away with your friends in a crowd
And try to make your filers proud.
Maybe you’ll fix a road or a park
Just please don’t turn into another earmark.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Fashion Police

Already more than one in 100 American adults is behind bars. Why should you care? Because it costs a lot of money to lock someone up.

In some places you can even be arrested for failing to be fashionable. Read The New York Times, Ban on Drooping Drawers Faces Legal Challenge.

What do you think, should drooping drawers = jail?

Those Crazy Republi-Cons

A great article about those crazy Republi-cons and their AstroTurf tax parties. Read The New York Times, Tea Parties Forever.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Class Today at NoBullU on WEBY

I'm back after a four week absence.

Listen to the voice of wisdom and reason in a wilderness of partisan rhetoric -- No political insanity, no conservative hypocrisy, no liberal foolishness -- Just straight talk, straight at you, and that’s no bull!!

NoBullU will broadcast today from 4:05 to 6 p.m. at 1330 AM WEBY and on line, courtesy of Cyber Smart Computers.


Local and state: TBD, and

Nation and international: TBD.

But I'll discuss anything. (Disclaimer: the host reserves the right to end any discussion and hang up on you.)

So tune-in, call-in, but only if you can handle the truth!

WARNING: You may not want to call in if you have veritasphobia, especially if you are a certain veritasphobic politician.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Couple of Good Obama-toons

Obama should lose the teleprompter crutch:

BTW, the Obama teleprompter has a blog.

And here is another great editorial cartoon:

The Republi-Con Fear, Anger, and Hatred Machine

For an interesting perspective on the right-wing media, read the Washington Post, The News From Planet Hannity.

With due respect to FDR, the only thing we have to fear is (Republi-con) fear, anger, and hatred.

Friday, April 3, 2009

No Class Today at NoBullU on WEBY

Usually on Fridays you can listen to me, the voice of wisdom and reason in a wilderness of partisan rhetoric -- no political insanity, no conservative hypocrisy, no liberal foolishness -- just straight talk, straight at you, and that’s no bull!!

But I can't make it today so Ken or Mike will substitute. Until the next show, post a comment or two.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bailout Scorecard

How much money has been allocated and spent, for what and and when? See CNN Money, Economy rescue: Adding up the dollars to keep score.